Looking for a quick THUMBS UP or DOWN or should I be the guinia pig?
Looking for a quick THUMBS UP or DOWN or should I be the guinia pig?
On a side note, Logitech just released a FF wheel, costs around $180.
Can anyone give any feedback on the quality of it? The review in PC Gamer
made it sound like it was superior to the previous FF wheel's that have hit
the market lately, including Microsoft's!
>Looking for a quick THUMBS UP or DOWN or should I be the guinia pig?
>Thank You Very Much!
>>Getting mine tomorrow :) I returned my MS sidewinder wheel today to get
>>I'll let the group know if I have any problems.
>Hope you don't play GPL, then. Apparently big problems with some
>configurations. TM is pointing finger at Sierra. Sierra says they're
>into it - don't hold your breath...
>Go to http://www.force-1.com discussions for all the dirt.
>>>Thank You Very Much!
Looking for a review as well. I _almost_ picked it up at EB today but
held off. :-) The mounting systems looks exactly like the Nascar Pro
wheel. (which I love, and works well even with my keyboard drawer)
Also of note, the box said either serial or USB connections could be
used. This sounds really good as well. It was $159 at my local EB.
Thank You Very Much!
Go to http://www.force-1.com discussions for all the dirt.
>>Thank You Very Much!
Hope this helps,
> Thank You Very Much!
Cheetah Racing :
Personal site : http://www.toptown.com/INNERCIRCLE/1846/
AMCA webmaster : http://www.amcaracing.nl/
I bought a TM Force GT the same week they hit PC World in the UK, figuring
it was time for an upgrade to my T1 - I'd been using that since the days
of Indycar I & it'd performed brilliantly & had been well supported by TM
The demonstration wheel looked & felt great in the store - 4 buttons, gear
shifter and paddles behind the wheel, pedals OK though travel a bit short,
though it wasn't plugged into any game so I couldn't test the FF. On
impulse I put my money down and took a boxed one home.
At home I unboxed it, read the manual & assembled it. The first thing
that struck me was the amount of additional cabling behind the PC -
external power supply, combined serial/USB lead, lead from the pedals to
the steering unit. The power & pedals leads connect in the middle at the
back of the steering unit so I couldn't have the keyboard in the usual
place behind the wheel, and the clamps seemed to take up more of my desk
than I'd expected. Also, I can't use the USB connection as I'm on W95
OSR1. I'm starting to feel a bit uneasy now ...
So I install the software & then plug the wheel in following the
instructions. The manual describes a self test you can do on the wheel,
so I try that ... not having tried a FF wheel before I had no idea what to
expect, but all the effects seem to work, except the last one. This does
nothing except make the wheel make a buzzing noise - that one we know from
hearing an electric motor burning out. Now I'm really uneasy ...
I unplug, switch off the wheel and start again. The noise has stopped
now, but the FF from one side of the wheel is waning & there's a
gears-slipping noise on turning the wheel in the other direction. By this
time I know I've got a broken brand-new wheel, and I also know that PC
World will only replace like with like, provided they can find a problem
with the wheel. And the store's closed for the night. By this time I
just want rid of the wheel & I'm worried I'll be stuck with it ...
As luck would have it, PC World found a different problem with the wheel -
the power supply had packed up when they tried it the next day. They
didn't have another one in the store so were forced to refund ... and I
went away relieved. I consider myself fortunate that I managed to escape
being bitten for being an early adopter.
It is with some regret that I post this story, as I've had years out of my
other early adoption, the TM T1 for which I spent 40UKP more than the
Force GT 5 years ago ... but I thought it important that anyone else
considering buying one of these this early should hear about it.
Caveat Emptor
James Bevan
NeXTMail & MIME welcome
Right now I really feel that I made my purchase too early. My favorite
games (NR1999, ICR <dos> versions) don't work even work because they do not
see the control (DOS games are suppose to see the control from a dos windows
from win9x). The game that came with the controller is very touchy, some
times it sees the pedals and some times it does not. My plans are to return
the thing for the Nascar Pro to get back to the joystick port. The one
thing that stands out for me is the lack of the wheel to center it self in
FF games and NON-FF games.
I wish everyone else best of luck with this controller!
>>the steering unit. The power & pedals leads connect in the middle at the
>>back of the steering unit so I couldn't have the keyboard in the usual
>>place behind the wheel, and the clamps seemed to take up more of my desk
>>than I'd expected. Also, I can't use the USB connection as I'm on W95
>>OSR1. I'm starting to feel a bit uneasy now ...
>This is one thing I didn't like about the MS FF wheel, the way they
>ran the cables, especially the ac adapter. (it plugged into the base
>of the wheel) Does the ac adapter for the TM wheel also plug into the
>wheel or by chance the pedals?
>I suppose they do this so they wouldn't have to run the power from the
>foot base up a cable to the wheel? I just find it annoying to have
>all those cables over my desk, and was hoping the USB version would
>have a few less cables.