% I've just upgraded motherboard and processor (Soyo 5ehm, K6-2 350), but
% now win95 won't recognise anything connected to my soundcard gameport.
% The soundcard works fine in other respects, but when I connect my GP1 or
% joystick, I just get a "not connected" message. I have TM propanel too,
% but that hasn't helped.
% Any suggestions. I need my wheel to work for GPL!
You should have an entry under your soundcard in the Device Manager for
your gameport. If not, the drivers are not installed properly. If it
is not present, reboot Windows into safe mode and then delete your Sound
card entries in the Device Manager (make sure you have your soundcard
installation disks first!). Then reboot and re-install your soundcard
Check the gameport entry in the Device Manager and insure that the I/O
address is 201-201. For some reason some gameports don't work to well
when the range includes 201-207.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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