JS> >Robert...guess that depends on if you're lookin for an arcade game
JS> vs a >racing sim. GP2 WILL run acceptably on your 100, with
JS> appropriate >graphics settings, but it's molasses/time warp
JS> 'feature' when in heavy >traffic places it solidly in the ranks of
JS> an arcade game. I laff my >ass off when folks start talkin about
JS> the AI in GP2...WHAT AI?? >Ya have to sit there and wait for the
JS> program to decide that 'all is >clear' and then you have 'some'
JS> modicum of control over your car...
This slow-down thing amuses me.....loads of people seem to get terribly
defensive/supportive of ICR2 agaist GP2 as if it's a competition.
Have you noticed how jerky ICR2 becomes when its processor is
overloaded.....be fair, when it came out 486-66's and P66's were pretty
potent.....and my P66 gets pretty tied up by ICR2 with maximum scenery,
loads of cars etc during a race start!
It's horses for courses - GP2 is smooth but syrupy when the going gets
tough, ICR2 flickers and jerks instead. Is either "better"? No.....but
some are more used to, or prefer, one or the other.
* RM 1.3 U0414 * Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going?