I agree the FWD drive is a hoot and pretty spot on in LFS...sadly now
with S1 most people seem to wanna drive the Lx cars.
I bought S1 and i'm totally behind what they're doing, they didn't
talk bullshit like some other certain people, but they just delivered
and kept on delivering..and the interaction of the deelopers with the
users is great...and on top of it all they can take it when someone
critiques their product...no deleting posts on forums and such.
But the RWD cars are odd, not by far as good as the FWD. And there are
more things which are odd but the product keeps on getting better and
better so i'm sure that will get sorted out...
Anyways...on Netkar...i do think this is the next GPL..as a game it's
not very developed yet, but as a sim i find it rather aweseome.
In terms of fun factor GPL stil beats them all, but i really think the
physics part has long been passed, if not by LFS or Netkar(which i
think both of them have) then surely by N2003. So it's rather amazing
a lot of people still feel GPL rules in the physics department...which
is rather silly if ya ask me...in 20 years time when we have an
absolute real time perfect driving sim people will still go 'but GPL
has better phisics'
Anways, Netkar has a long ways to go aswell, right now what 'annoys'
me most is the tracks are so smooth...no bumping(apart from a rare
larger bump here and there)...which also takes away from the overall
'driving a car on a road' feeling.
Another very good thing about online racing in netkar is that the
roadcars are actually roadcars, take the 360...you can't do anything
about the setup which means if someone out drives you online he's
simply a better sim driver...and not that he uses a way better setup.
Oh well...LFS...netkar...i love em both..