Thomas Soerensen
Thomas Soerensen
>Thomas Soerensen
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
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Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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> >It's an honour to be your nearest pacecar.
> >Thomas Soerensen
> >
> Huh? What do you mean?
> Eldred
> --
> Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
> Homepage -
> GPLRank - under construction...
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
> >It's an honour to be your nearest pacecar.
> >Thomas Soerensen
> >
> Huh? What do you mean?
> Eldred
When are we gonna see your 'current' Rank?? Would I be right in
suspecting your next upload will show an improvement of your previous
+16 odd???!!!
>When are we gonna see your 'current' Rank?? Would I be right in
>suspecting your next upload will show an improvement of your previous
>+16 odd???!!!
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
GPLRank - under construction...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Eldred you are one of my, and many other's, light houses in my eternal
journey thru the darkness of GPL positivity. That was all.
Thomas Soerensen
That 8:53 time on the Ring, is that with or without accidents?
Seriously, looking at your other laptimes, you should be able to pull
off a 8:30 or so on the Ring, just by keeping the car on the track,
not pushing it to the max, and keeping concentrated..
If you seriously want to do something about that Ring time, do for
example 3 laps on the Ring every day.. no more, no less. Don't pay
attention to your laptimes, just keep focused, stay on the track and
try to learn every corner from memory. Not only if the corner goes
left or right, but also at which points the car becomes unstable, so
the next lap you will know to really pay attention at those points.
Occasionally watch some replays from the faster guys.. maybe not from
the aliens, those will only depress you, but find some 8:00-8:15 laps,
and also compare them with your laps using GPLRA, to see where you are
losing the most time. Remember those corners and focus on them.
Seriously, nothing beats a fast lap on the Ring.. it's like rally
racin with a Lotus 49, what more could you wish for :)
Andre / still no sub-8..
There is something really weird going on with Eldred's driving. I compared a
couple of his laps to mine using the traction circle option in RA in order
to get a good example to explain to him both about reading the g-g plot and
illustrate what I thought was wrong with his driving and it turns out not
only does he use the car better than me in some places (not consistently
throughout a given lap, but still...), he's nearly as good as Huttu there.
Look at "The Loop" in his Brabham Glen replay for example... he looses at
lot near the end again and his "Ninety" seems a bit "oh god, don't make me
mess this one up in the last turn", but I'm sure comparing the "good"
section to one of your laps will leave you wondering "why can't he do that
everywhere?" just like me.
So when Eldred says "I can't push it any further", he's absolutely right
some of the time. Any real improvement is just not there in some sections,
while in others he seems to completely clam up and drop 10ths left right and
center. I'm swamped at the moment so I can't explore this further, but I'd
like to return to it later and get closer to the bottom of this phenomenon.
Got to take him to a track some day and debrief the hell out of him! ;-)
"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.
Nice one Jan! So bottom line so far is Eldred should use GPLRA to see
where he can and where he can't improve and focus on those sections..
Maybe there's a pattern in the corners Eldred takes more slower?
About WG: The last righthander is the corner where I lose most of my
time too, more than half a second compared to Huttu.. for some reason
I either take the wrong line there again and again, or I focus so much
on the line so that I unbalance the car while forcing it to stick to
the line, making the car slide and fight all over the place..
One of those corners that looks so simple, but is very hard to take
The loop on the other hand is quite easy when you 'know the trick',
brake late, turn in early, and slide all the way to the outside,
barely missing the haybales.. turn the nose to the inside, slowly push
the throttle, pushing the car to the inside, and then FLOOR IT.
The hard part is to get that corner right lap after lap :)
>Nice one Jan! So bottom line so far is Eldred should use GPLRA to see
>where he can and where he can't improve and focus on those sections..
>Maybe there's a pattern in the corners Eldred takes more slower?
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
GPLRank - under construction...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
GPLRank - under construction...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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That's a given. Everyone should do that!! ;-)
That's what I'd like to find out, but like I said I have no time to do so at
the moment. That's also why I'd like to have a training session with him
someday, where I/we look at his data and can ask him questions about
"problem turns" while the laps are still fresh in his mind. It's obvious he
momentarily backed off a little at the Ninety (not very visible in replay,
but does show up clearly on g-g plot), both on entry and exit... the
question is: why?
The whole track is easy to learn, hard to master. Seems to be a common trait
among road courses of the era.
Yes, the late apex line is indeed fastest, but I find it too hard to pull
off consistently. One in five I fail to pull the car back over the crown in
the road and I have to get way out of it in order to salvage some drive off
the corner. I've therefore taken to using the Moss line (long apex) there
for race laps, "leaning" it into the turn and keeping it on the bottom with
the throttle. Much easier to pull off consistently, but slower. Check out
this replay to see what I mean (load it into RA using traction circle option
and find out exactly why it's slower!! ;-)):
"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.
Have you tried GPLOV?? With that you can change the field of vision
and it did wonders for me, I can judge corner entries/distances much
better now! Try a degree of 50, that's what I use.
And yes, it's hard to see -how- the aliens drive faster at certain
corners with GPLRA, but you can see -where- they are faster, and study
their replays to see how they are faster.
Also check their driving line in GPLRA, I bet it's different than
That clearly means you are not driving on the limit with allmost empty
tanks.. with full tanks I'm 1-2 seconds slower, depending on the
track, and I have to brake sooner with full tanks.
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
GPLRank - under construction...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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