I have a diamond.... u know already.
my bios is 1.00. anyone know where to get a better one?
and is there any way for me to encrease the framerate
in F1GP2???
if u know PLEASE reply to my e-mail
(from a computer ***...almost)
I have a diamond.... u know already.
my bios is 1.00. anyone know where to get a better one?
and is there any way for me to encrease the framerate
in F1GP2???
if u know PLEASE reply to my e-mail
(from a computer ***...almost)
Hey I got the same card. How does FIGP2 run on it? When I got this board
everyone said it was the best. Now I'm beginning to think otherwise.
Stephen D. Jenkins
SJ> Hey I got the same card. How does FIGP2 run on it? When I got this
SJ> board everyone said it was the best. Now I'm beginning to think
SJ> otherwise.
From everybodies experience, testing, etc, a particular video card is
not the be-all-and-end-all for GP2. CPU power is important, and a decent
video card certainly - but a good computer (eg modern chipset, PCI, fast
memory) also seems important. If you've got a PPro 200MHz, 128Mb 60ns
RAM etc - perhaps the card will be slowing you down. If you've got a
75MHz pentium on an old motherboard, 8Mb of slow mwmory, etc - don't
worry about the card!
* RM 1.3 U0414 * (D)inner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza
> I have a diamond.... u know already.
> my bios is 1.00. anyone know where to get a better one?
> and is there any way for me to encrease the framerate
> in F1GP2???
> if u know PLEASE reply to my e-mail
> (from a computer ***...almost)If you haven't already found the Diamond site, try
>: if u know PLEASE reply to my e-mail
>: (from a computer ***...almost)
Just visit: