>Subject: Re: Is Diamond Stealth 64 good for sims?
>Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 15:07:52 GMT
>>Is it fast enough in dos, is it any good in Windows?
>>Somebody please help me, thanks in advance.
>Yes it certainly is a fast card. I have one that allows Grand Prix 2 run
>smoothly is SVGA. It's very fast in Windows as well. There may be better
>cards out there now though. The Stealth 64 card is well over a year old
>now. I definetly recommend it though.
based on different chipsets (ARK2000, S3 Trio764, S3 Vision864, S3 Vision968,
etc). You need to know the specific the model (2121,2201,3200,DRAM,etc). All
of the above models I listed where being produced at the same time. By now
I'm sure there are more models out there. Check the group
comp.sys.ibm.hardware.video for more info and personal experience. I've heard
they are very poor at supporting thier cards and are later than other
manufactures with driver updates. Just what I hear. I personally have and
like the Hercules Stingray64/Video (cheap too).