that connects. It looks like car numbers are assigned in the order that
the AI cars would be replaced. And for the first 20 connections made to
the server, a valid car number is handed out.
If a client is disconnected, GPL remembers their stats. This is
all well and good (and a damn handy feature from what I've seen of some
connections). The problem becomes visable when 20 unique people have
tried to connect (some have been disconnected), and the 21st unique
connection is made.
Assuming there's some disconnected clients in the list of drivers, when
the 21st different client connects, the first person shown as being
disconnected in the list (shown in red in the sim) is replaced with the
new client. The car number given to this client is #0. All subsequent
first-time connects will ALSO be given car #0 for that event. I haven't
run back-to-back races since discovering this phenomena so I don't know
if the effect is cummulative.
While they're in there fixing this, I don't see why they can't grant a
few of my online wishes as well. :-)
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
IGPS Director
If you want to send me email, go to either of the URL's
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