Go to http://www.rbsoft.de and download RB-Joy. I use it quite successfully
on my gameport MSFF under WinXP.
- Peter Ogden
Perth, Western Australia
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.449 / Virus Database: 251 - Release Date: 27/01/2003
> Go to http://www.rbsoft.de and download RB-Joy. I use it quite
> on my gameport MSFF under WinXP.
> --
> - Peter Ogden
> Perth, Western Australia
> http://www.locost7.info
> > I use a MS Sidewinder with XP - so I know there's no driver for it...but
> > anyway...I'm using it with N2K3, and after calibrating in the game, the
> > car steers HARD left on the straitaways...I have to calibrate with the
> > wheel slightly turned so that it's straight when I'm done...Also - how
> > can you program the buttons on the wheel using XP??
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.449 / Virus Database: 251 - Release Date: 27/01/2003
You cannot program the buttons. That requires the Profiler software which
will never be updated for the gameport version of the wheel under 2K/XP.
The pull to the left is the realistic modeling of the suspension and tires
in a stock car. You can lessen it by using Arcade mode, or by lowering the
split between the caster settings in your setup. It is also affected by
Camber and Tire Stagger.
Be aware that if you 'adjust' it out your car won't turn left fer ***
The non-FF wheels are affected by this the most because you are always
fighting agains the centering spring in the wheel. With FF wheels, the
off-center wheel is still there, but it doesn't fight you like non-FF wheels
do. This is the main reason I've always said that Papy should include a
trim tab in it's controller settings. Not all wheels are alike, and non-FF
wheels are a nightmare at some tracks/setups.
> Go to http://www.rbsoft.de and download RB-Joy. I use it quite
> on my gameport MSFF under WinXP.
> --
> - Peter Ogden
> Perth, Western Australia
> http://www.locost7.info
> > I use a MS Sidewinder with XP - so I know there's no driver for it...but
> > anyway...I'm using it with N2K3, and after calibrating in the game, the
> > car steers HARD left on the straitaways...I have to calibrate with the
> > wheel slightly turned so that it's straight when I'm done...Also - how
> > can you program the buttons on the wheel using XP??
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.449 / Virus Database: 251 - Release Date: 27/01/2003
He didn't specify though.
> >I use a MS Sidewinder with XP - so I know there's no driver for it...
> Windows XP will install a driver for the wheel when you plug it in.
> Then all you need to do is install the Sidewinder 4.0 software from
> the CD, ignore the warning message, and reboot. It works fine.
> Jason
>>I use a MS Sidewinder with XP - so I know there's no driver for it...
> Windows XP will install a driver for the wheel when you plug it in.
> Then all you need to do is install the Sidewinder 4.0 software from
> the CD, ignore the warning message, and reboot. It works fine.
> Jason