There was a thread on this a week or so ago on this newsgroup, you may want
to try a google group search for GPL FF or something for plenty of tips.
Basically there are three settings. Latency, Steering Force and Damping.
Latency is probably the most important one. Set it to zero & load gpl. Drive
down the Monza straight (slowly) weaving from side to side. You'll notice
some delay between you turning the wheel and the force. Close gpl & open
your core.ini (make sure it's not still called core.ini.sample) and change
the latency to, say 0.2.
Go back to Monza & see how it feels. The force ideally should arrive at the
same time as your input, or very slightly after, but not before. It takes a
long time, but it's worth getting right.
The Steering Force is an odd one, because you are setting the MAXIMUM force,
so a higher number will give a lower force strength, but it's exponential,
so you probably won't feel any difference above about 400. between 100-300
is what most use.
If you have a 'light' Steering Force (say 300) you probably don't need much
damping, so set this to say 10.
If you prefer a 'heavy' force (say 100) you will probably want the damping
higher, say around 65.
The Readme11.txt has loads of advice too. It's in your gpl folder.