Racing sims and sponsers


Racing sims and sponsers

by Vinto » Sat, 26 Sep 1998 04:00:00

        I would just like to make a comment. For those people that seem to
think that sponsorship is a necessity for a racing title. Get real! Just
because Andretti puts his name on the box doesn't mean it is good. I don't buy
a game because it has the FIA stamp of approval on it.
        Just look at Sierra's Skiing game with Picaboo Street's name on it.
According to you this would be a great game because a world class skier
sponsors it! It turns out this game sucked!
        If the game comes with an editor so I can make it comply with the real
world, great! If not then I know someone out there will find a way to do it.
        Sponsors don't make games good.

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