> I recently put my system through a major upgrade which included the
> installation of a Matrox G400 card. I was a little shocked when 3D apps
> failed to initialise with the new card in conjunction with an Orchid
> Righteous II. Matrox technical support indicated that the latest drivers
> preclude the use of 3Dfx card a G400 in the same system. GPL with the new
> G400 drivers also fails to work in software or OpenGL modes. Is there any
> possibility of GPL being revamped to work with Direct3D or does it have to
> be consigned to the shelf? Many thanks.
I've got a Matrox G400 MAX card, and I coudn't get it to work with
GPL either (Except in software, of course.) Fortunally, I also got a
V3 2000 PCI card which works excellent, so now my G400 never gets used,
which is kind of sad, since I really like it. But I just don't bother to
switch the monitor cable every time I want to play GPL.
Maybe we could convince Matrox to make a driver for GPL, they already have
a G200 patch which probably just need some tweaking to make it work with
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