Sounds like the indexing issue?
Go to My Computer, right click and choose properties for the drive that GPL
is installed on, make sure that "Allow Indexing Service..." is ticked.
Runs OK for me, but can't get it to recognise all four of my controllers.
Was not a problem with Win98, but then I did not have my TM NASCAR Pro
pedals connected through a Rockfire gameport to USB adapter. The pedals
will not work in split axis mode in XP using gameport and TM drivers. Do
not have a problem in N2K2 or LFS...
: > I'm running Windows XP on an AMD Athlon 1800+ with an NVIDIA Geforce4
: MX440.
: > I've loaded the GPL CD-Rom complete with GPL 1.2, Speedfix and D3D
: > but I can't get the game to run. It shows the opening screen and then
: > throws me out. Does anyone out there have the solution? Howard.
: Sounds like the indexing issue?
: Go to My Computer, right click and choose properties for the drive that
: is installed on, make sure that "Allow Indexing Service..." is ticked.
: Runs OK for me, but can't get it to recognise all four of my controllers.
: Was not a problem with Win98, but then I did not have my TM NASCAR Pro
: pedals connected through a Rockfire gameport to USB adapter. The pedals
: will not work in split axis mode in XP using gameport and TM drivers. Do
: not have a problem in N2K2 or LFS...
: Mark
Don Burnette
>>> I'm running Windows XP on an AMD Athlon 1800+ with an NVIDIA
>>> Geforce4 MX440. I've loaded the GPL CD-Rom complete with GPL 1.2,
>>> Speedfix and D3D patches but I can't get the game to run. It shows
>>> the opening screen and then just throws me out. Does anyone out
>>> there have the solution? Howard.
>> Sounds like the indexing issue?
>> Go to My Computer, right click and choose properties for the drive
>> that GPL is installed on, make sure that "Allow Indexing Service..."
>> is ticked.
>> Runs OK for me, but can't get it to recognise all four of my
>> controllers. Was not a problem with Win98, but then I did not have
>> my TM NASCAR Pro pedals connected through a Rockfire gameport to USB
>> adapter. The pedals will not work in split axis mode in XP using
>> gameport and TM drivers. Do not have a problem in N2K2 or LFS...
>> Mark
> Don Burnette
>> You don't have to do it for the whole drive. You can just index the
>> GPL install folder.
Don Burnette
>> How can you do that? I do not see the option only for the folder, I
>> only see it for the compete partition.
>> I have XP Home.
>> Don Burnette
>>> You don't have to do it for the whole drive. You can just index the
>>> GPL install folder.
> Don Burnette
Paul T
Howard Gregory wrote in,
Maybe because a lot of people don't need it for GPL - I run mine without
it. (-:
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