>If you are using a P166, what are these games like at hi-res, full
>detail? What do you think the framerate is? Are you completely
>satisfied with it's performance?
I don't know the answer, but I saw an interesting post on this subject
on Compuserve today:
>...Intel in a way has lucked out, though until now it has probably
been holding its breath waiting for the other shoe to drop...<
It just dropped, and it's call the Cyrix 6x86. The 133Mhz version
(which Cyrix has dubbed the P166+) is kicking the hell out of the
166Mhz Pentium on all current benchmarks (see the latest issue of PC
Magazine for more details).
I just picked up one yesterday (the P166+ model), and it's the
fastest damn thing I've ever worked with. Out of order execution,
superpiplining, superscalar/speculative execution - it's more like a
P6 in P5 clothing, but without the 16-bit performance hit of the
Pentium Pro.
Better yet, the 6x86 is completely pin-compatible with existing
Pentium PGA sockets. I've got mine installed in a board designed
specifically for genuine Intel CPUs (all the way up to the as yet
unreleased P5/180), and yet here I am flying along at speeds faster
than anything Intel can offer for this very same board. Truly Amazing!
Imagine what will happen when Cyrix starts to really crank up the
clock speed (note: the P166+ is only running at 133Mhz, even though it
delivers better-than-P5/166 performance - hence the P166+ moniker).
Intel *should* be concerned...