system to make use of it, b) the desire to get it in the first place, c)
the money to get it or d) are waiting for a patch to correct whatever it
is that stops them from getting it..
If I had to critique any one aspect of the launch, it is once the
program went gold, they should have considered releasing as a 'demo', a
working paintkit utility with the *correct* car form. The first
question many are going to ask is 'why would they give that out when
they're going to sell it in X weeks'? My answer is, that would give the
community X weeks to salvitate over the release and give the car
painters time to paint cars without having to miss wheel time. If I had
artisitic ability, and I don't, I would mourn my loss of time behind the
wheel when I could be practicing rather than painting.
The getting the customers hyped would be the business goal. With cars
skins ready to be used available, folks could see exactly what they're
getting. More to the point, they would be looking forward to getting
the car on the track. Of course, they'd have to wait until the sim
itself was released, but everything would be in place and waiting.
That's just a thought. Every once in a while you have to run an idea up
the flagpole and see if the folks who make the decisions think it's
worth saluting.