>> Firstly I think GPL is great but I have to say the religious
>> following is a
>> little dodgy to say the least.
>I personally cannot understand why there are so many negative posts
>about GPL at the moment? There are lots of driving games/sims that I
>don't use, don't like, or I am simply ***at. But I don't spend all
>my spare time writing posts slagging them off!!!! I concentrate on
>driving the games/sims that I *DO* enjoy.
for the last 2 months or so. MGPRS2 exists as well you know.
Sure but Papy will think that they can retire now having reached sim
perfection. They haven't, that's all I'm saying.
No way. GPL's difficulty is its best feature
I'm not talking about bouncing. I'm talking about becoming entwined half way
in to a wall. GP2 and F1RS may not be perfect but they are a lot better.
I do use manual but if you were to use auto you lose the gear changing speed
(very slow) and have to start with no revs. That's not an aid, it's just a
stupid disadvantage. GPL is one game where it's easier to race WITH manual
IMO. I expect an aid to bring me up to the level of manual control while I
get better not punish me.
Sorry but this is rubbish. In MGPRS2 you can feel the front go light as you
overbrake or push too hard in to a corner as well as feel more resistance as
you go around a corner which help you determine your speed. More resistance
= more speed = more G's. Papy probably didn't have enough performance left
to calculate it. Roll on PII 900's.
If you drive ANY car with 2 wheels on the grass the car would pull to the
direction of the grass due to the extra resistance (MGPRS2 does this
beautifully and provides FFeffects to pull the steering that way). In GPL
you can put a wheel or 2 on the grass and not really notice. Other Papy sims
were the same.
As I've said I don't use auto gears but that doesn't make them any less
usable. Yeah my graphics card doesn't show the gears properly. Yeah that's
the problem. God forbid Papy could ever produce a feature less than perfect.
This is a ***y religion. Deny any critisism at all costs or we'll all go
to hell. The gear lever concept is ***in a sim. Areal driver doesn't have
to take their eyes off the road to check the gears (as he obviously feels
them). We can't yet Papy force us to take our eyes off the road in a fast
corner because they couldn't think of a better way.
GPL's sound is unbelievable but as yet I haven't been able to trust it for
really accurate feedback. Maybe more practice will help.
As I said initially it's just balance. If there's nothing wrong with GPL
then what are Papy going to improve? GPL is the best, it's is not the Holy
Grail of sims.
That's the best bit.