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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Pat Dotso+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p61+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Pat Dotso+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Wed, 20 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- practice as is quite possible in GPL. Sometimes you barely notice putting a +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- wheel on the grass let alone get punished for it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Are we playing the same game? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I find that there are places where I +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- always spin if I put a wheel off - for example, turn 2 at Mosport +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- (downhill left hander). +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I suspect it has to do with lots of factors +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- (orientation of car, which wheels are loaded, how fast the wheel is +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- spinning, whether or not it is a front wheel or a rear wheel, etc.). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-I can often save putting a wheel off in that turn at Mosport. +ADw-br+AD4- It is about the toughest one in all of GPL, and just about +ADw-br+AD4- the only place I have a lot of trouble with putting a wheel off. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The key to saving it in that situation is to immediately balance +ADw-br+AD4- the throttle. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-If you apply too much gas, not enough gas, or +ADw-br+AD4- touch the brakes, you will spin. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I can save it with this +ADw-br+AD4- technique just about every time I put a wheel off. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-This is +ADw-br+AD4- different from most other sims where all you have to do is let +ADw-br+AD4- completely off the gas, and steer back onto the track. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4--- +ADw-br+AD4- ------------------------------------------------------ +ADw-br+AD4-
+ADw-br+AD4- IMPACT Motorsports +ADw-br+AD4- http://www.racesimcentral.net/+ADw-br+AD4- ------------------------------------------------------ +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-John Walla+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p62+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-John Walla+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Wed, 20 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-I saw Winfield's 2 rally drivers fail to get around the first corner in a +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-promotional Williams event. Both gassed it and crashed it, so I wouldn't say +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-anyone can drive an F1 car. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-That's overconfidence, not lack of ability. Jean Alesi and Gerhard +ADw-br+AD4- Berger crashed a Fiat, does that mean they can't drive? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-As it's been said, anyone who can drive a road car can drive an F1 +ADw-br+AD4- car, it's how quickly and consistently you can do it that's the +ADw-br+AD4- difficult part. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Don't you have this in GPL? You need to change gear at the start but +ADw-br+AD4- that's it, after that it changes for you. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Now you're just being silly. No, not about GPL perfection or Papy +ADw-br+AD4- being gods, but in assuming that anyone on this newsgroup could ever +ADw-br+AD4- be happy about something posted here - you've just upset the GPL +ADw-br+AD4- bashers...+ACE- :-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Cheers+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- John +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p63+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p63+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Dean+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Wed, 20 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4-
I've been playing Silverstone a lot. The second corner (very fast +ADw-br+AD4- lefthander) is the main corner for this. I very rarely lose it if I go on +ADw-br+AD4- the grass here and you take it almost flat out. Maybe other tracks are less +ADw-br+AD4- forgiving. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Dean +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p64+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p64+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Dean+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Wed, 20 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-p+AD4-
Yes but the change is very slow. I improved my best auto time on my second +ADw-br+AD4- lap with the manual. The performace gain is massive. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4APA-p+AD4-
My kingdom for some balance+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Happy racing. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Dean +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p65+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-David Ewin+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content65+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p65+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-David Ewin+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Wed, 20 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Ah, that explains it. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-You're right about Silverstone. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Going wide there +ADw-br+AD4- is much more forgiving than the other tracks. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Don't know why. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Dave Ewing +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-Are we playing the same game? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I find that there are places where I +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-always spin if I put a wheel off - for example, turn 2 at Mosport +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-(downhill left hander). +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I suspect it has to do with lots of factors +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-(orientation of car, which wheels are loaded, how fast the wheel is +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-spinning, whether or not it is a front wheel or a rear wheel, etc.). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- I've been playing Silverstone a lot. The second corner (very fast +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- lefthander) is the main corner for this. I very rarely lose it if I go on +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- the grass here and you take it almost flat out. Maybe other tracks are less +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- forgiving. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Dean +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p66+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-ymenar+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Wed, 20 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Dean wrote +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Good point.. actually there is an easy (let's keep it simple) solution to +ADw-br+AD4- this. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Take the two situations. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Turn two at Silverstone and turn two at Mosport. +ADw-br+AD4- Grass physics are mathematically calculated I would speculate with an easy +ADw-br+AD4- friction calculation between the tyre and the grass. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-There is some numbers +ADw-br+AD4- that exist about adherence coefficiant between the tyre and the road. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-They +ADw-br+AD4- are used for braking distance, but can be also applied to the traction. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Taking 1 as a base number we have... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Tarmac : +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-0.8 +ADw-br+AD4- Asphalt : +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-0.7 +ADw-br+AD4- Wood : +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-0.55 +ADw-br+AD4- Snow : +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Between 0.2 and 0.15 +ADw-br+AD4- Short grass : +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-0.4 +ADw-br+AD4- Long grass : +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-0.35 +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Those coefficient are approximate of 10+ACU-, and can change because of the +ADw-br+AD4- quality of the surface, the design of the tyre and also the adherence of the +ADw-br+AD4- tyre gum (it's not that big as we think, since if the tyre is hyper-sticky +ADw-br+AD4- the coefficient will stay the same... it's just an X number that needs to be +ADw-br+AD4- multiplied as the definition of the word +ACY-quot+ADs-coefficient+ACY-quot+ADs-). +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Ok... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Now what does this add ? Im about sure (but still speculate) that there is +ADw-br+AD4- some difference within each track of the grass, as it is with the asphalt +ADw-br+AD4- also. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Kyalami is IMHO less forgiving, probably because of the nature of the +ADw-br+AD4- grass there (very short). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-When your going into turn2 at Silverstone, the car weights are different +ADw-br+AD4- when you touch the grass than when it's exiting turn2 at Mosport. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-At +ADw-br+AD4- Mosport all the weight are transferred on the right side of the car, since +ADw-br+AD4- it's turning left. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-This is basic racing physics. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-The lateral force are +ADw-br+AD4- much bigger than at Silverstone so the right tyres have much more weight on +ADw-br+AD4- them. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-It really destabilize the car and that's why spins are common in that +ADw-br+AD4- corner. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Oh and another thing.. IIRC it's not grass there but a mixture of +ADw-br+AD4- mud/grass exiting Turn2. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Now to Silverstone. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-When you go into turn2, the weights affect much less +ADw-br+AD4- the drivability of the car than at Mosport. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-The lateral forces are less, +ADw-br+AD4- since the corner is wider. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Thus needing less turning inputs, and that makes +ADw-br+AD4- the weight more equally on both sides of the car. When your left tyres touch +ADw-br+AD4- the grass, the weight is much less than at Mosport when you touch it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-As a final point...there is a great URL about a website that explains the +ADw-br+AD4- basic physics of racing. Everybody should read this and try to understand +ADw-br+AD4- this website. the URL is : +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-http://members.home.net/rck/phor/ +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Oh and if anybody see something wrong in my reasoning.. please reply +ACY-nbsp+ADsAOw-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4--+AD0- Fran?ois Mnard +ACY-lt+ADs-ymenard/Nas-Frank+ACY-gt+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- -+AD0- NROS Nascar sanctioned Guide http://www.nros.com/ +ADw-br+AD4- -+AD0- SimRacing Online http://www.simracing.com/ +ADw-br+AD4- -+AD0- Official mentally retarded guy of r.a.s. +ADw-br+AD4- -+AD0- May the Downforce be with you... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-quot+ADs-People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise +ADw-br+AD4- how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.+ACY-quot+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p67+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile67+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Wolfgang Prei+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content67+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p67+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Wolfgang Prei+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 21 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs-Err... you want a voice to tell you what gear your in ? +ACY-lt+ADs-g+ACY-gt+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs-Wow. This gets worse. I might post some controversial stuff in the Nazi +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-newsgroups just to get more level headed replies. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-What was the bit about Americans not understanding humor? I believe +ADw-br+AD4- you have to work on that concept yourself a bit. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-quot+ADs-Paging Mr. Godwin+ACE- - Sir, may I inform you that you were right, +ADw-br+AD4- again.+ACY-quot+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4--- +ADw-br+AD4- Wolfgang Preiss +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +AFw- E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome. +ADw-br+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p68+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile68+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Dean+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content68+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p68+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Dean+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 21 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs-Err... you want a voice to tell you what gear your in ? +ACY-lt+ADs-g+ACY-gt+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs-Wow. This gets worse. I might post some controversial stuff in the Nazi +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs-newsgroups just to get more level headed replies. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs-What was the bit about Americans not understanding humor? I believe +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-you have to work on that concept yourself a bit. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-Err. Hence the reply being humourous. Mmmm. Americans and the the England. +ADw-br+AD4- Two countries divided by a common language. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Dean +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p69+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile69+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-John Walla+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content69+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p69+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-John Walla+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 21 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-Err. Hence the reply being humourous. Mmmm. Americans and the the England. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-Two countries divided by a common language. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-I heard today a story (true or apocryphal, I don't know) about Juhn +ADw-br+AD4- Cleese bein interviewed recently on U.S. TV. When asked what was the +ADw-br+AD4- difference between Americans and British he considered for a moment +ADw-br+AD4- and answered that there were three. Firstly we speak English and +ADw-br+AD4- American don't, secondly that when we have a world championship in any +ADw-br+AD4- given sport we actually invite the rest of the world to participate, +ADw-br+AD4- and finally when you meet the head of state in the UK you only need to +ADw-br+AD4- go down....on one knee....+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Cheers+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- John +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p70+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile70+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-David Ewin+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content70+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p70+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-David Ewin+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 21 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- I heard today a story (true or apocryphal, I don't know) about Juhn +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Cleese bein interviewed recently on U.S. TV. When asked what was the +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- difference between Americans and British he considered for a moment +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- and answered that there were three. Firstly we speak English and +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- American don't, secondly that when we have a world championship in any +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- given sport we actually invite the rest of the world to participate, +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- and finally when you meet the head of state in the UK you only need to +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- go down....on one knee....+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-Eh? I don't get it. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-But after all we're just a bunch of dumb +ADw-br+AD4- hillbillies over here in the States. John, I think it was inevitable +ADw-br+AD4- that a post mentioning American's lack of English skills would contain +ADw-br+AD4- three typos. +ACY-nbsp+ADsAOw--) I even included a dreaded smiley so that any other +ADw-br+AD4- Americans reading this would know that I'm just pulling your chain. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Actually, I can't speak for the rest of my fellow Americans, but I love +ADw-br+AD4- British humor (Monty Python, P.G. Wodehouse, Fawlty Towers, ...). Not to +ADw-br+AD4- mention Richard Thompson - the world's greatest guitar player whose +ADw-br+AD4- between song banter is hilarious. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-But I'm still trying to figure out something I saw on the Benny Hill +ADw-br+AD4- show. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-When the director said +ACY-quot+ADs-Zoom in on those trophies+ACY-quot+ADs-, why did the +ADw-br+AD4- cameraman get a tight shot of the woman's +ACoAKgAq-s? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Dave Ewing +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p71+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile71+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Ford Prefe+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content71+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p71+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Ford Prefe+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 21 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Took a look there after a recommendation on rasf1. Certainly worth +ADw-br+AD4- printing off and studying. +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p72+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile72+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Peter Gag+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content72+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p72+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Peter Gag+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sat, 23 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs- The perfect program has not been written yet, and probably never +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs- will be. So lets give credit where credit it due? +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs-Sure but Papy will think that they can retire now having reached +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- sim +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADsAJg-gt+ADs-perfection. They haven't, that's all I'm saying. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-What+ACE- where do you get this from? Are you not aware that Papy are +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-already working on their next sims? +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- It was meant as a joke. Your American right? It's not racist before +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- you +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- start, it's just that a lot of English humour and subtle sarcasm +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- does seem +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- to get lost in this NG. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-Jeez, can't you even read a message properly? I wrote the first +ADw-br+AD4- paragraph above, but I didn't write the second paragraph. Get a +ADw-br+AD4- newsreader that threads properly and maybe you won't get so confused. +ADw-br+AD4- And, No, I am not American, I'm English, and happen to know a little +ADw-br+AD4- bit about English humour myself.....I'm not gonna waste it on a +ADw-br+AD4- wingnut like you though pal. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
We are also talking about a +ACo-SIMULATION+ACo-, not real life here+ACE- GPL is +ADw-br+AD4- the best +ACo-SIM+ACo- to date, but its still +ACo-ONLY+ACo- a sim. I was pointing out +ADw-br+AD4- that GPL does indeed model accurately real world car physics (within +ADw-br+AD4- the confines of a pc sim anyway?) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Yawn....... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Is it? I've driven GPL since its first demo release, and cannot +ADw-br+AD4- remember ever doing this, If I have, it must have only been once or +ADw-br+AD4- twice? I also don't remember anyone else moaning about it? You harp on +ADw-br+AD4- about it like you are doing it every five minutes, sounds to me like +ADw-br+AD4- you need to stop whining and start practicing. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Yep, thats right, you've got no point to make, or are incapable of +ADw-br+AD4- explaining it, so don't waste yours (and everyone elses) time. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
This started out with some +ACoAKgAq- spouting inane drivel, as an attempt +ADw-br+AD4- at trolling, and just kept on trolling......and on......and on....... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Nuff said, large portion, YES, larging it plenty, SORTED. (Got it?) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-NB: Americans, please don't ask me to explain the above sentance, its' +ADw-br+AD4- an English thang......(But the plank I'm replying to will/should/ought +ADw-br+AD4- to understand+ACE-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-8-) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AKg-Peter+ACo- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACM-:-) +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p73+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-inner+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dl class+AD0AIg-postprofile+ACI- id+AD0AIg-profile73+ACIAPg-
+ADw-dt class+AD0AIg-has-profile-rank no-avatar+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Dean+ADw-/dt+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-postbody+ACIAPg-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-post+AF8-content73+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p73+ACIAPg-GLP is OVERRATED+ACEAPA-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Dean+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sun, 24 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4-
I didn't say you did which was why I knew 'that' reply was from an American +ADw-br+AD4- and not yourself. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Mmmm. If your that bored why bother even typing Yawn.....? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Good for you. Glad it's not a problem. I suppose you never blew the engine +ADw-br+AD4- in ICR2 doing the same thing? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
You don't have to read the threads, especially as it developed if you didn't +ADw-br+AD4- care for the content surely. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
I actually didn't start the thread if you care to check. I just posted after +ADw-br+AD4- it had started. It was someone else who said GPL was overrated. Take it up +ADw-br+AD4- with them. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Anyway it's not like an Englishman to lose his head like this. Chill out, +ADw-br+AD4- it's not to be taken nearly as seriously as some seem to have taken it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-If you read the posts properly you would see that I offered 6 things 'I' +ADw-br+AD4- thought could be improved in GPL and everybody else had a heart attack at +ADw-br+AD4- the thought. How it got to people like you calling me a +ACoAKgAq- and all the +ADw-br+AD4- other +ACoAKgAq-you've come out with is beyond me. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-You could do to spell sentence correctly BTW. Still what would you expect +ADw-br+AD4- from someone who would use profanities in a normally well behaved NG. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Dean +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p74+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Yubs+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Mon, 25 Jan 1999 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-1) Opponents hit on framerate is unacceptable. Running on a 200mmx with +ACY-gt+ADs-a Voodoo2 should be good enough (5 +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-FPS with a full field is just bad +ADw-br+AD4-
fairly simple graphics around +ACY-gt+ADs-then Papy have done a terrible job as far +ADw-br+AD4- as 3d acceleration goes. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Ok, it seems that you just don't understand how 3D accelerators work. +ADw-br+AD4- The voodoo 2 doesn't take over all the graphic duties. It just renders +ADw-br+AD4- the scene the actual transformations of the vertices have to be done by +ADw-br+AD4- the cpu... think about it... you wouldn't be able to just plug +ACY-nbsp+ADs-a 3d +ADw-br+AD4- accelerator into the the mother board without a processor and have it +ADw-br+AD4- display graphics. Also, in another one of your post you say +ACY-quot+ADs-a pentium +ADw-br+AD4- 200, with mmx, should be enough+ACY-quot+ADs- well, I guess you got caught up in the +ADw-br+AD4- mmx marketing hype because A) To get any benifits from MMX you have to +ADw-br+AD4- write specific code for it (code that uses the special instructions +ADw-br+AD4- intel added) and B)even when written for MMX, you wouldn't see more than +ADw-br+AD4- approx. +ACU-5-+ACU-15 increase in performance and last but not least C) MMX is +ADw-br+AD4- a HUGE flop because it doesn't have ANY instructions that speed up 3D +ADw-br+AD4- calculations... that's right, NONE, ZERO NADA, ZILCH.... not to mention +ADw-br+AD4- that you can't switch +ACY-nbsp+ADs-between MMX registers and regular register +ADw-br+AD4- without suffering a performance hit. So basically the fact that you have +ADw-br+AD4- MMX doesn't mean anything. And if you read any (good)reviews of ANY V2 +ADw-br+AD4- you would notice that they state that the V2 is cpu limited, not fill +ADw-br+AD4- rate limited meaning that the V2 is waiting around for the vertex +ADw-br+AD4- information so that it can render the frame... it's done rendering the +ADw-br+AD4- scene before the processor can deliver the next frame's info. that's why +ADw-br+AD4- you don't really notice a difference between a V1 and a V2 on anything +ADw-br+AD4- less then a PII (you get about 5-10 fps more with a V2 than a V1)... +ADw-br+AD4- once you hit the PII range, the V2 is highly scalable... then there is +ADw-br+AD4- the fact that the cpu still has to do sound, AI, poll the interupts and +ADw-br+AD4- get any user input( i.e. steering). plus in windows you have numerous +ADw-br+AD4- things going on behind the scenes. so basically, your idea that the V2 +ADw-br+AD4- frees up the cpu of graphic processing is wrong. True the cpu has to do +ADw-br+AD4- signifigantly less work than without a 3d accelerator but it still is a +ADw-br+AD4- major part of rendering each frame. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
How the heck would this work?... you'd have to guess when the computer +ADw-br+AD4- was going to shift. Besides if you're using the auto gear box, you're +ADw-br+AD4- probably not ready to use the clutch. Did you mean something else +ADw-br+AD4- because frankly this doesn't make any sense... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4--Josh de Bever +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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