Here's what I am going to send..any comments
before I send it off?
My head is still spinning trying to figure out
what moron allowed you to write a review of
SportsCar GT. I hope this doesn't interfere with
my ability to effectively tell you what a
disservice you are providing.
First of all...Lime Rock is in Connecticut.
It is a very well known race track, hosting the
sort of racing portrayed in this demo. Here's an
URL for the track:
I suppose it is really unreasonable to expect
someone charged with reviewing a demo to do even
the most basic research into the subject matter so
as to offer an informed opinion instead of proudly
displaying ignorance and laziness.
Interestingly enough, I have found the demo to
have lots of fun replay value even though it only
has one track and three cars. I have never even
dabbled with any of the available adjustments,
something you assert is a prerequisite for
enjoying the game. A good review might have
actually named the cars. Even if you didn't know
the names of the Porsche 911, The BMW M3 and the
Panoz, it is right there in plain text in the
demo. People who will take the time to download
the demo and who enjoy racing games/sims might be
interested in the names of those cars instead of
"the best car", "the second best car" and "the
worst car".
The mere fact that you instantly and
irretrievably start "spinning in circles with no
hope of regaining control" ought to clue you (and
your editor) in that you have no idea how to drive
a race sim/game and have no business reviewing
one. It would be a little like me being asked to
review a bridge game, not ever having played it
and not understanding anything about the rules.
It would make for a pretty pointless review that
did absolutely nothing to inform the people who
might be interested in it.
As far as multiplayer goes, did you really
expect to find IRC flush with opportunities to do
multiplayer games using a demo that has been out
less than a week? Would it have been too hard to
find someone else you know to link up with?
Please remember you are putting out a review for
the public to read and ought to make some kind of
sensible effort on their behalf. If you are just
messing around by yourself in your room you have
no reason to be motivated; the responsibilities of
a reviewer are different.
This may be the most troubling sentence of
all: "The controls themselves work well, but
I've always hated having to use my breaks in a
racing game." I must admit I am at a loss here.
Using your 'breaks' is part of driving anything in
real life or on a computer. A racing game/sim is
supposed to reproduce the experience of driving a
race car. I have news for you: Race car drivers
use their brakes. And PLEASE, if you are going to
write for public consumption, LEARN TO SPELL.
That pedal you don't like to use? It's called a
'brake'. While we are at's spelled
'attachments', not attatchments.
The next time there is a racing game to
review, please pass on it and give the opportunity
to someone with some concept of the subject matter
and how to convey useful info about the game/sim.
Your review was pointless and the person who let
you write it deserves a sound dope slap.
Daxe Rexford
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