feedback (body roll, weight distribution, loss of control, and i'm sure
i noticed a draft) than n3. Why it gives a better feel of racing a
NASCAR (eye candy, but better damage model, pit crew, way better
graphics (note: this is strongly applying that n3 is n2 but with d3d
support, and if anyone thinks otherwise you should spend less time
picking apart games to see what's different)). Oh, and if its so bad why
does it not have the god damn curved pit lanes and did i mention body
roll. I can help but notice n3 has vertualy none and in n2000 the car
for some reason will roll when you turn the wheel. Also consider that
this is the demo and the full version will allow you to change the 'game
options' (in theory sim/arcade) so more realism may come out of that.
As a final thought, almost everyone in this newsgroup are incredable
arogant. How the hell can you praise games series that support 3d cards
and higher resolutions in new versions. N3 is n2 but i can run at
1024x768, its the same shitty physics, the same shitty graphics and the
same shitty car models. Gp3 and Gp2, *** i'm not even going to start on
the fact that its five years later and all there is is 3d and higher