If 19 cars in GPL is a strain on even the fastest computers, what will 39 or
more cars in NASCAR 2000 be like?:(
If 19 cars in GPL is a strain on even the fastest computers, what will 39 or
more cars in NASCAR 2000 be like?:(
>If 19 cars in GPL is a strain on even the fastest computers, what will 39
>more cars in NASCAR 2000 be like?:(
>If 19 cars in GPL is a strain on even the fastest computers, what will 39
>more cars in NASCAR 2000 be like?:(
Well, I beg to differ. There will be quite alot of extra things to
model on the stock car than the GPL car model. I think one of the
reasons Papyrus chose 1967 F1 for developing their new physics engine
was just that, fewer things to model, no aerodynamics to speak of. They
should be modeling quite a few more things in NASCAR than are included
in the GPL model. Which also makes sense the decision to progress in
this manner:
CART (even more variables to be modeled).
And maybe then Formula 1 (by then Ernie should be willing to pay Papyrus
instead of the other way around!).
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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Gee, I remember at least twice a year the WC cars run roadcourses. And yes,
they will have to model all sorts of speeds as WC cars run anywhere from 60
mph turns to 200 mph straight aways.
>If 19 cars in GPL is a strain on even the fastest computers, what will 39
>more cars in NASCAR 2000 be like?:(
Don Burnette
>>If 19 cars in GPL is a strain on even the fastest computers, what will 39
>>more cars in NASCAR 2000 be like?:(
Ummmmm, a bigger strain on the computer?
Seriously, though - in N2000, the computer doesn't have to render the
bounching front tires, or the two saparate rearview mirrors. I've also
found that frame rate imrpoves when you turn off the drivers arms which
is how I drive when i'm in-car.
I don't think it'll be much (if any) tougher on hardware than GPL is.
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
If you want to send me email, go to either of the URL's
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> >If 19 cars in GPL is a strain on even the fastest computers, what will 39
> or
> >more cars in NASCAR 2000 be like?:(
> >James
Michael S. Davis Creative Media-Works
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