% I have just hooked up a TM Charger to my P2 266 system. I have finally
% gotten it configured for N2 but I am unable to get it to work properly
% in GP2. I can get all of the functions working except the right
% paddle which is for acceration. I have followed the instruction
% provided by TM at the help site to calibrate and set the functions but
% to no avail. The right paddle works in all other intacnes including
% the TM diagnotic. Anyone had this problem that can help me out?
I am not familiar with the Charger, but it looks alot like a Sprint in a
SuperSport housing. Here is the info for calibrating the Sprint in GP2
(just ignore the parts about the pedals).
It looks like the docs for the Sprint on the CD-ROM are wrong. In DOS
the paddles are:
Right = Joystick A Vertical (Y1)
Left = Joystick B Horizontal (X2)
The pedals are:
Accelerator = Joystick 2 Vertical (Y2)
Brake = Joystick 2 Vertical (Y2)
So for GP2:
Steering = Joystick A Horizontal
Accelerator = Joystick B Vertical (for pedal) or Joystick A Vertical
Brake = Joystick B Vertical (for pedal) or Joystick B Horizontal
Clutch = (if using pedals only) Joystick B Horizontal (left paddle) or
Joystick A Vertical (right paddle)
Gears = Your choice of Joystick A or B (A = top row, B = bottom row)
As a side note: I've finally discovered a use for the pedals with the
Sprint unit. In DOS (or in GPL as "generic" input), you can have the
pedals plugged in and use one of the pedals for an analog clutch (should
work with GP2 as well). In DOS with the pedals connected the following
are the axes for the Sprint unit:
Left paddle = Joystick 2 Horizontal (X2)
Right paddle = Joystick 1 Vertical (Y1)
Brake pedal = Joystick 2 Vertical (Y2)
Gas pedal = Joystick 2 Vertical (Y2)
Steering = Joystick 1 Horizontal (X1)
Buttons = 4 (Joystick 1 & 2)
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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