I've found that the Charger calibrates and works fine with N2.
But on N3, it doesn't appear to calibrate (brake and accelerator levers) on
joystick 2, and can not identify the brake lever when setting the controls.
I've used version 2.0 driver for the Charger and have installed the patch
for N3.
Hmmm ...... is the calibration of the wheel any different between N2 vs.
By the way, the engine actually does not blow in terms of the game; it just
stops, while I can still steer and brake. By going in reverse and then
braking I can usually, start the car forward again.
> This may sound like a dumb question, but when youu say the car 'shuts
> do you mean the engine is blowing? I too have a Charger but have had nor
> problems with it whatsoever. I use Win98 and the latest drivers I could
> find with no problmes so far.
> > I just purchased the Charger, and set it up to work with NASCAR 3;
> However,
> > whenever I get up to 140-150mph, the car shuts down.
> > Is there a new driver I need? I tried to get to Thrustmaster's web site
> this
> > weekend,
> > but I could never connect to it.