Is there any way to get additional car sets such as Ralf Southard's to
work by selecting them within the game? I don't see any option for
selecting car sets, and so far, I can only change them IF I rename new
set files to match default filenames in the /cars/cars93/ subdirectory,
so anything under another subdirectory is worthless. The above applies
with a hard disk installation; with the CD-ROM installation, the cars93
files are not copied over, so I can't alter them at all.
Where do the driver nicknames turn up?
Is there any way to edit drivers' info within the game instead of through
a text editor?
Is the only player view the***pit one, without arcade or wide angle
options like that found in NASCAR?
Is there any way to override the copy protection screen that shows up
EVERY time I start the game? It's a pain having to look up the password
in the manual every time, esp. since it keeps changing!
The CD is "Indycar Gold v. 1.05 CD." does this mean this is compatible
with an earlier disk version instead of the current v. 1.5, and I'd now
have to go download all sorts of updates?