Look Out!! Another HotShoe is back & rare'in to go! Damn Alien!! haha
WB Graeme! You still shouldnt have re:ed tho'.. Boy would I ever love to
see Mr Beta Tester' try to out race you. I'd even pay to watch this one &
I already know the results! hahahaha
From: "Graeme Nash"
| LOL :-) Now you know what it's like when someone decides to conveniently
| ignore a thread, DGF...
| FWIW, I don't own it. I borrowed it from a friend, played it for two
| weeks, and didn't like it. So I started up GPL again.
| And I'm happy.
| --
| Cheers!
| Graeme Nash
| P.S I'm off on a week's holiday today, so don't misconstrue that as
ignoring the
| thread any more :-))
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