> : I'd like to be able to turn my head (30 degrees will suffice) and look
> : around. Again, you can do it on a real car.
> Yes, but how would you implement that in a sim where the car is moving
> at 200 MPH? Perhaps with a VR helmet, but I can't see it being workable
> from a joystick or keyboard.
Have you ever tried turning your head at 200MPH?
I suspect that you'd find the buffeting was not at all comfortable.
It is also a completely useless thing to do in the context of a racing
game, where the purpose is to concentrate ahead and drive fast, not
admire the pretty flowers by the trackside.
Also, you mention lack of peripheral vision, but again, this is something
you don't get an awful lot of when you're strapped into a racing helmet!
If you want realism, then don't forget progressively covering the screen
with oily gunk as you race ;-)
If you ask me, they got the keyboard wrong. Playable, but not ideal IMHO.
I used to play Revs on the humble Beeb, and that had excellent keys -
once you were used to them. I hate having to play the game with an auto
gearbox, but the naff manual control for gear changes in F1GP really
bugs me (get on the grass and try to get into 2nd or 3rd gear without
going into a spin... This is because you can't change up a gear unless
you've got the accelerator pedal on the floor. Revs was much better,
in its use of "change up" and "change down" gear keys, so you could
select a gear without having to use the throttle. Sortof like a real
car, really). I'm not saying MPS should replace the keyset, just
offer a way of configuring it that will allow me to program in the
Revs keys!
Actually, the only real thing I've seen that is wrong with F1GP2 is that
I don't have a copy of it yet! Arrrrgh!
Whatever it was I just said was probably just personal opinion
rather than the official view of my employer.