>The wheel has a mechanical turning agle of 90 degrees. (funny, the
>manual says "360 degrees precision..." ;-) It would be sufficient, I
>think, but today I noticed something. In real life, the wheel only gives
>me approximately 45-50 degrees. When I turn left, the joystick port
>values decrease from 300 to 13. When I have turned the wheel about
>20-25 degrees, the values stop to 13. The wheel keeps turning for
>another 20 degrees, but no change in the joy port value. When I turn
>the wheel right, the same thing happens,the joy port value increases
>from 300 to 598. After 20-25 degreesthe wheel keeps turning, but the
>values stay at 598.<snip>
>So the wheel gives me a very poor driving precision. <snip>
I have the same setup. The CH pro pedals are great! I finally broke a
spring (just like the T2 guys). Fortunately, the pedals pivot so it felt
really wierd (no return force) but I could still finish the race.
As for the VPPro wheel, I have ran alot of good races with it but I'm
sure an ECCI or Thomas Super Wheel would be much better. First,
I had to add some hardware to get a decent angle and to secure it.
I can move the desk by using the wheel as a handle now. I use a hose
clamp to hold the yoke all the way back so it doesn't "telescope" when
I'm driving. It also has the "free play" at both ends of the turning
range. I don't know if it's exactly the same as yours or not but....
It has always required a real soft touch. In fact, I run linear
steering with 5 degree lock at almost every track (NCR1, I haven't
played NCR2 enough yet). When I ran NonLinear I didn't have to go all
the way down to 5 degrees but it was more difficult to recover a loose
race car with it set that way. The problem with 5 degrees is that if you
spin, it's very difficult to turn the car around on a tight track.
That's why my favorite feature in NCR2 is the wheel spin.
All in all, it sounds like your CH VPPro is acting like mine. It's hard
to say if it's worse or not. BTW, you forgot to mention the centering
notch. Try being super smooth with a light touch (big track like Dega)
going back and forth over that stupid notch! The extra buttons and hat
switches on it are nice. It would be pretty cool if you could use those
hat switches for pit settings etc...