Just got GPL and trying to install on my relatively new system:
Gateway P3-500 w/384mb RAM
Diamond Viper 770 using Detonator 1.88 reference drivers
SonicVOrtex2 A3D sound card
MS FF Sidewinder
Downloaded the 1.1 patch
Downloaded the OpenGL beta patch
Installed the main game (outta box)
Will NOT run in software 640x480 mode. Can get to pit screen and when it
switches to in-car view the monitor flickers and returns me to Win-desktop.
Installed the 1.1 patch. Same thing - no software mode play. This is VERY bad
when the lowest common denominator will not work.
Installed the OpenGL patch. Set to OpenGL and exited and restart.
Click the GPL icon....screen goes black...3m:18s later the splash screen comes
up. I click on Single Race and 5m:12s later the track select comes up. I pick
Africa since it is the default screen. 8m:37s later the PIT screen comes up. I
click the green box to start the race and 6m:22s later the green light goes dark
and the computer finally locks up.
When I restart my system Windows comes up in a 640x480 mode and I have to reset
back to my normal default windows resolution.
I'd really like to play this game but don't plan on investing too much more time
into it. If anyone has any ideas I'm willing to try just about anything.
And please don't tell me to get a voodoo card - I'm not going to DOWNgrade my
system to play one game. I've handpicked all the components on this system and
any game that won't play on it isn't worth having (IMO).
Thanks in advance for any help.