> On Thu, 4 Jul 2002 15:38:48 +0200, Uwe Schuerkamp
>>Well Steve, the leading edge is the bleeding edge as the saying
>>goes. Don't blame Linux for non-cooperative hardware
>>All my nvidia cards (and v3 before that) work "wundervoll" both
>>in 2D and 3D.
>>Sorry to hear of your problems.
> Bleeding edge my ass. That's why Mandrake ships with Lynx? Heh.
> Just go buy a bleeding edge video and soundcard and see how bleeding
> edge Linux is. It's an enthusiast OS and has no place in the
> mainstream home market. Or as someone else already pointed out, it
> serves as a server well. Run it out of interest if you like but I hope
> most people have the good sense to not expect it to become a
> replacement for Windows any time soon.
there are a number of hardware manufacturers who won't cooperate with
the Open Source community. It therefore makes no sense whatsoever to
blame the distros for hardware that doesn't fully work. Address blame
where it rightfully belongs, with the hardware vendors themselves.
However, by your tone you don't really seek any kind of understanding.
You just want to blast things you don't understand. Pity.