I will repost it clean!
Last night I tweaked some settings in the "Personality" file...
The result was much closer, much more realistic and exiting racing for
me at my current skill level. However, I also believe that making the
other drivers about average and then "building up" their abilities is
what I will try next. This is because I was only able to place 1st in
one race in the 2000cc class and usually ended up 4th overall, last
night after these tweaks I finished 1st in all 3 races, but Azur was
pretty close. So I need to make it a bit harder.
The "Nemesis" level driver is the best, so that's where I started. I
honed down the Nemesis' abilities first to what I thought should be
manageable levels, then copied and pasted those entries into subsequent
personalities. I then reduced abilities accordingly, right down the
line. I modified the aggression-related settings a little higher for the
cop personalities. I don't know if the cops drive different cars. I've
only seen the 911s.
The symbols used in the file to indicate ability are "Low, LO, Medium,
med, high, hi, extreme".
Both Low and LO are rated at 0, Medium and med are both rated at 1, high
and hi are rated at 2, and extreme is rated at 3. I don't know if there
is a difference between Low/Lo, Medium/med, or high/hi, since their
respective numbers are the same. Perhaps there is a difference, since
they are all included and have distinct names.
So, here are the setting I used for Nemesis, as well as a few notes.
(keep in mind I will be making these harder to beat)
blocking Distance: high (how far back you are until the car in front
cutoff distance: med (tendency to cut the players off) [note: i don't
know if this affects tendency to block AI cars]
lookahead: high (how far ahead does the driver look for traffic)
swervyness: low (tendency to swerve all over the road) [note: i set this
to low for all vehicles, people don't swerve all that much]
braking: high (braking ability)
roadRage: low (tendency to "attack" the player) [not sure about what to
do here or how it differs from other offensive]
drivingSkill: high (how competent a driver is this? Affects probability
of fishtailing)
acceleration: med (low means less than normal acceleration....) [THIS is
the BIG AI CHEAT!!! There is no reason AI should be able to
out-accelerate in the same vehicle. I therefore have set ALL
PERSONALITIES ACCELERATION TO MED... Med is indicated as the "per spec"
setting, or equal to the player car. I think and hope that this means
equal to the acceleration of the personalities' cars, not the human's
car, so that all cars have their "real" acceleration.
wipeOutFrequency: low (frequency of crashes..)
corneringAbility: high (self explanatory)
best line ability: high (self explanatory)
rearendtendency: med (tendency to rear end the human) [note: does this
mean he won't rear-end AI??]
aggression: medium (tendency to smack the player) [note: smack? perhaps
this is a sideswipe or something. Also, does this mean he won't "smack"
copCollision: med (ability to recover form a collision with a human cop)
[note: I have no idea what this does. Perhaps there is a mode where the
human gets to be the cop? I haven't gotten that far yet, if that's what
it is.]
That's all for now, I will be tweaking and will post my "mod files" this