

by randyb.. » Fri, 22 Nov 1996 04:00:00

from members that are trying to get faster.  Most of the time I can take
thier setups and get 2 or 3 mph faster..  Its a combination of things.
HARDWARE and DRiving line...

In other words, you freely admit that you are taking IVGA members' setups
and using them for your own personal use, above and beyond hotlap
verification.  How many of these IVGA members knew beforehand  that you
were going to do this?


George Lew


by George Lew » Fri, 22 Nov 1996 04:00:00

>These are not .stg files to download. Setup info is in text form.
>I tried a few of them offline. Using Joe's setups, or whoever's, WILL
>NOT make someone an overnight success. It's a good starting point,
>but you need to tailor it to your driving style.

>So here's my question for this thread: How much of an advantage would
>a drive have if he/she knew your setup? If you know the setup of the
>fastest driver in any given race, use that exact one, would you be able
>to qualify and run just as fast?

I tried one of Joe's Atlanta setups once...  can you say "Sideways"???

I have a completely different style, and I would share my setup with
anyone, anytime.  I am in the belief that if that person wants to run
my setup, great!  If they're faster than me with that setup, I am very
interested in knowing that!  (that would tell me who the better driver
is)... of course, the conditions should be the same...

A setup that runs X speed depends on weather factors.  I might turn in
a 175.200 mph lap at X track with 60 degree weather, and someone else
may only turn a 173.500 mph lap with it in same conditions, yet take
it to a 55 degree weather and turn a 178.300 mph lap, for instance...

George Lew


by George Lew » Fri, 22 Nov 1996 04:00:00

>>> As the Head of the IVGA with over 2600 Members I get lots of setups
>from members that are trying to get faster.  Most of the time I can take
>thier setups and get 2 or 3 mph faster..  Its a combination of things.
>HARDWARE and DRiving line...

>In other words, you freely admit that you are taking IVGA members' setups
>and using them for your own personal use, above and beyond hotlap
>verification.  How many of these IVGA members knew beforehand  that you
>were going to do this?

sounds to me more like the members submitted their setup to him, asked
him to see what he could do for them.  he tried it, came back and
said, "the setup is fine, your driving needs improvement"...

truth be known, he's probably faster with his own setups than with
theirs anyhow... (just an opinion from an outsider looking in)

Guy Brossea


by Guy Brossea » Sat, 23 Nov 1996 04:00:00

> >> As the Head of the IVGA with over 2600 Members I get lots of setups
> from members that are trying to get faster.  Most of the time I can take
> thier setups and get 2 or 3 mph faster..  Its a combination of things.
> HARDWARE and DRiving line...

> In other words, you freely admit that you are taking IVGA members' setups
> and using them for your own personal use, above and beyond hotlap
> verification.  How many of these IVGA members knew beforehand  that you
> were going to do this?

> Randy

If you don't want people to use your setups, don't post them.
If you decide to post them, why, if not for others to try them out ?
Besides, driving line is a major factor.
Guy Brossea


by Guy Brossea » Sat, 23 Nov 1996 04:00:00

> >> > you people SERIOUSLY need to get a life

> >> > > To:           IVGA MEMBERSHIP
> >> > > From:         Don Wilshe
> >> > > Subject:      PAPYRUS advises Don Wilshe and the IVGA!!!!

> >This is stupid. Let Don race. Let the Papy programmers race. If no one
> >is cheating what difference does it make? You can have the greatest
> >setups going and still not be able to drive worth spit. I'm not sure
> >--
> >Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA

>   I second that!  Don is a great guy and has put forth a LOT of work
> in helping others.  If he was only out to cheat and steal, he wouldn't
> be doing the helping things he does now. Come on people......this is
> really sad..

> --
> Lannie Schafroth

I second that also. Setups are only the beginning. Plus there are
hundreds available to everyone on the net. I'm more concerned with
hackers than with a guy with a librairy of setups.
I must have missed something. Isn't this a game ?

Guy Brosseau



by vlx.. » Sat, 23 Nov 1996 04:00:00

i wonder who u blistered at mis and atl
i have been driving on hawaii since sept 15 96 and who is on top of the
qual board
u have done a 196? at mis or 190s at atl
can u guess who i am?

Douglas S. Hillm


by Douglas S. Hillm » Sat, 23 Nov 1996 04:00:00

: i wonder who u blistered at mis and atl
: i have been driving on hawaii since sept 15 96 and who is on top of the
: qual board
: u have done a 196? at mis or 190s at atl
: can u guess who i am?

  Obviously someone with poor grammer, punctuation, & capitilization skills.

Mike Radl


by Mike Radl » Sun, 24 Nov 1996 04:00:00


I respect what the IVGA has seemingly stood for. You gave guys a chance to
compete against other drivers in a controlled environment before Hawaii was
available. I don't know about the Fastlap program other than what's been
discussed here. It does appear that it was not made clear that IVGA would
have access to the driver's setups. You say you're the only one that's ever
had access to the Fastlap driver's setups. Whether it's true or not doesn't
mattter. Many people aren't going to believe it.

I am disturbed by the fact the quotes from Ed Martin and Dave Matson in your
post look like PRIVATE EMAILS from Papyrus to you. Correct me if I'm wrong,
but it appears that you have broken a BASIC UseNet Etiquette rule by posting
Papyrus's PRIVATE EMAILS on the Net for the world to see. I realize this is
not a major crime and hope that it's not an indicator of how you treat other
people's private data. Actually, I'm glad you did. Now we can see that
Papyrus was being reasonable and have very valid concerns. You can't deny
that there is a huge conflict of interest when the management/staff
of an organization have access to 600-2600 of, as you say, the best drivers
in the world's setups and then decide they want to go racing on a new league
where fairness is an obssesion of it's creators.

I think this thread should have been worked out in private. I'm
absulotely sure things would have worked out much better for you.

Good Luck,
Mike Radler



by gnauj.. » Sun, 24 Nov 1996 04:00:00

Well Don, you must have a lot of problems. It would be a honor for me to
race against Ripp, Nim etc. etc. !




by gnauj.. » Sun, 24 Nov 1996 04:00:00

Man am I glad we at NCAR didnt use your software.

FWIW The competition on SprtSims still works quite good without any of
your software.




by gnauj.. » Sun, 24 Nov 1996 04:00:00

Hi Don,

You are joking, arent you ? If not I must say yeah Don, you are the man

And you even publicity state that you tested the setups your software
gathered for you. Very nice.


Mike Whit


by Mike Whit » Sun, 24 Nov 1996 04:00:00

> Hi Don,

> >As the Head of the IVAG with over 2600 Members I get lots of setups from
> >members that are trying to get faster.  Most of the time I can take
> >thier
> >setups and get 2 or 3 mph faster..  Its a combination of things.
> >HARDWARE and DRiving line...

> You are joking, arent you ? If not I must say yeah Don, you are the man
> !!!

> And you even publicity state that you tested the setups your software
> gathered for you. Very nice.

> Georg


I think your definition of GET may not be exactly the same as Don's in
this case.
It sounds like members who are looking for help.

The problem I have is the verification process itself.
There isn't a need to send in the setup itself.
The program should have simply sent in a pass/fail check for a "hexed"

The other thing I find wrong is it appears that the program only sends

If you load your "hexed", race, then load a legit setup and quit, the
verification program doesn't seem know the difference.

I would have suggested the disqualification if any *.stg or Default.st1
file (at the track in question) was "hexed".

In the "Fast Lap Hack Challenge" I showed Don that the Fast Lap progam
still has some serious holes.


Chuck Stuar


by Chuck Stuar » Sun, 24 Nov 1996 04:00:00

> Well, stupid or not, what Papyrus/Sierra does and what their policies
> are is their business.  They have all the legal right in the world,

I fully agree. Papyrus has reasons for their actions that may not be
apparent to everyone. These decisions are not made without being well
thought out and are intended to make the NRL the best it can be.

Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA

Nim Cros


by Nim Cros » Sun, 24 Nov 1996 04:00:00

Hi Georg,

Also a pleasure for me when every you and I meet on the track.:)




by gnauj.. » Mon, 25 Nov 1996 04:00:00

Hi Mike,

Yes, possible that I interpreted to much in his statement. My apologies to
Don if I misinterpreted him.

It should be clear to everybody that no cheat-protection program is 100%

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