program that allowed the AI cars to be adjusted in percentages individually.
I can't find it now. Can anyone help?
All I really want to be able to do is slow down the field so I can pretend
I'm competitive. :-)
All I really want to be able to do is slow down the field so I can pretend
I'm competitive. :-)
dave henrie
That's not the one I was thinking of, but it should work fine. I'll try it
out tonight.
The one I had before appeared soon after GPL was first released. It was
just an interface to allow adjustments in the drivers.ini file, and allowed
for global changes or individual changes.
Normally I'm battling to get into the top 10; now I'll get to see what the
view is like up front. :-)
> dave henrie
> > I'm just returning to GPL after a long layoff. There used to be an
> > program that allowed the AI cars to be adjusted in percentages
> individually.
> That's not the one I was thinking of, but it should work fine. I'll try
> out tonight.
> The one I had before appeared soon after GPL was first released. It was
> just an interface to allow adjustments in the drivers.ini file, and
> for global changes or individual changes.
> Normally I'm battling to get into the top 10; now I'll get to see what the
> view is like up front. :-)
> ...Ron
> > it is called aitweek and you should be able to find in in the
> at
> > Eagle Woman's site.
> >
> > dave henrie
> > > I'm just returning to GPL after a long layoff. There used to be an
> add-in
> > > program that allowed the AI cars to be adjusted in percentages
> > individually.