> I know you can adjust this in ini files, but why didn't Papyrus just put in
> a percentage slider like in Nascar? I am racing on Novice and the AI is
> turning near track record laps. It will be a while before I can be
> competitive at the rate I am going, on the easiest tracks I am still 3-5
> seconds behind per lap. I am having a blast hot lapping, but it would be
> even better to actually compete with the AI cars.
> Also, is there a way to select which drivers you get to compete against? I
> think I would have better luck racing against some of the lesser known
> drivers. I really don't want to muck around in files to do this. These two
> things seem to me like they should have been very easy to implement in the
> user interface.
> Kyle
You are entirely right. I assume you found the .ini fix to slow 'em down
somewhat at Alison's site? The sim itself is so near perfect, the only thing I
would change would be an AI slider like in N2. That's it, other than that, I
certainly have no complaints. I would however like to see the other cars once
in a great while <ggg.> I am getting my pants whipped, and I always thought I
was at least a reasonable driver, maybe not world class, but good enough to at
least hang in the back of the pack.
Lots of guys have mentioned the speed disparity, and I suspect that Papy
may address this issue, the sim is so darn good, there's not much else they
need to patch. For that matter, it's not even a patch, they could just call it
the "Wimpy Driver Slider Settings" <ggg.>
All the best, Mike
Michael S. Davis Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."
Member, International Webmasters Association http://iwanet.org