I'm in a bit of a pickle, thought I'd ask those that know much more
about this than I...
I'm stuck with a PCI slot motherboard w/onboard vid/sound that uses a
1.3 Ghz Celeron. (And get this, the vid card has 1 meg of memory! I
know, I know, you get what you pay for... but this machine is all I
could afford.)
The onboard vid is definitely a bottleneck, I was thinking about
adding a Voodoo 5500 card... but those are going for ridiculous prices
for a card using a discountinued format. (I've watched them sell on
eBay for over $100 of late.)
Well, I think I remember reading here on ras that GeForce made a Ti200
or something in PCI that offers similiar performance of the Voodoo 5
card but still has a support base AND sells for cheaper?
Your knowlegable input would be much appreciated. Please feel free to
point out the pros and cons of going either way.
Thank you very much.
Andre Ming