GP3 short take


GP3 short take

by L_NiN » Sun, 23 Jul 2000 04:00:00

Ok...first let me start off by saying I have never played or even seen GP2
so this review will be very unbiased in the respect. Prior to playing GP3 my
favorite F1 game was Ubisoft's MGPRS2. I have played almost every other race
game arcade and sim...just not GP before.

I have only played the 'demo' version of GP3 for about an hour or so but
here is a quick take on it. For those of you who think that this version
won't represent the final...well, I would beg to differ because even if it
is beta Im sure the only things being worked out are a few bugs and minor
tweaks - not a complete makeover of a fully playable game.

That out of the way - on to the details.

-GRAPHICS ( ***1/2 out of 5 )
Dated but well done. Some items (ie barrels) are very pixilated up close and
some track side objects (sand traps and grass) are very bland, however the
overall look is fairly crisp and sharp. The road is very easy to distinguish
from the surroundings which was something I though F1 2000 did not
accomplish. The display features can be adjusted to suite almost any system
and my GeForce SDR, 128MB 600E system had no problem pushing out the 26fps
limit. Yes, the game appears to be tied to some frame limiter like GPL but
with a much lower limit that does affect the sense of speed.

-PHYSICS ( **** )
Well, its not GPL but it does beat everything else out there. However, GPL
wins by a lap and a half while F1 2000 and GP3 fight it out for a distant
second. Followed in 4th by MGPRS2 while F1WGP is retired. (ICR2 was not
include but would have given them all a run for the money)

Two of the biggest physics issues with GP3 that I can see are that the cars
stick to the track almost too well (but, Ive never driven a car like this so
maybe that is realistic - it just doesn't have that loose seat-of-your-pants
feel of GPL) and secondly the game appears to incorporate a canned 180 spin
if you get to far out of control. Maybe its not and maybe I just think I
should be able to partially catch myself on some of the spinouts but you are
always left facing the opposite direction.

On the positive side the controls are very responsive and there are some
nice affects when going of the track or getting stuck in the sand.

-SOUND ( ** )
I found this to be one of the games weakest points, moreso than the outdated
graphics. There are almost no sound other than your engine. You do not hear
other cars as they come by you. Your engine sounds ok but downshifts and
braking are very distracting. Skids and bumps are nicely placed but all in
all this game does better without sound or at least the engine turned way

-INTERFACE ( ****)
The user interface is very complete but I found it hard to access the garage
once the race weekend had started (I have no instructions). There are many
options to select from in respect to driving aids and car setup. The driving
aids are very annoying and make it even harder to drive if you ask me.  I do
not get a lot into the garage setup but I will confirm one rumor : no tire
pressure option. You can also select between all sorts of different damage
options and, yes, you can turn on engine failures. There are several driver
levels (rookie to ace) which basically take away more aids and add more
penalties and failures. However, you can modify them to some extent in the
different levels.

GP3 has very nice weather effects on the track but I still tend to like the
look of the water splash in MGPRS2. GP3 has a moderate amount of moderately
produced flash but it is clear the developers did not put a lot of concern
into this side of the game - other than the almost overly used brake smoke.
The game does do a nice job with capturing the feel of acceleration and
braking from the***pit but never gets up to top speed leaving you feeling
as if your driving in slow motion. The game also suffers from lackluster
damage effects. Some body damage and a flying tire or two but I did not
witness anything as spectacular as the end over end flaming car of GPL. In
my view GP3 barley manages to accomplish the effects MGPRS2 did a few years

-DIFFICULTY ( **** )
Here is were GP3 appears to distances itself from the others. Top notch
physics is not all its made out to be as we saw with F1 2000, because the
best physics can be hampered by bad AI. GP3 from what I have seem has some
very nice AI. They appear aggressive and have a very good sense of their
surroundings. You can set them to run equal or based on 98 stats. Running 98
stats I found Schumacher to act very lifelike as he would take your line
away and force you to change your path in order to avoid hitting. Other
drivers are much calmer and will hang back and wait for bigger openings to
pass. All in all the AI seems very good however I did not provide much of a
challenge for them so I will leave this topic open.

-OVERALL ( ***1/2 )
GP3 is no GPL killer and those of you looking for this will have to wait for
another challenger (MGPRS3?). The game is very good though and I would rank
it as the best of the rest, however, as I said earlier, I have not played
GP2. From some other reviews Ive read this game is nothing more than GP2.5
which may very well be true. For those of us who have not played GP2 though,
this may just be the modern F1 we are looking for. Or possible a nice update
for those GP2 fans...just don't expect GP3 to shake the tree too much
because all of the current F1 games seem to be very weak in respect to GPL.
GP3 does nudge out the current crop bit it is starting to looks like GPL is
the McLaren/Farrari of sims while everyone else is striving to be Williams.

Feel free to post your questions and Ill answer the best I can, however, I
will not respond to anyone wanting to know where I got the 'demo'.

Jan Loebzie

GP3 short take

by Jan Loebzie » Sun, 23 Jul 2000 04:00:00

You did something wrong then, I made quite some "contacts"
that left nothing but the drivers safety cell. Of the other guys
car of course. :-)



GP3 short take

by tweet » Sun, 23 Jul 2000 04:00:00


Off course all have their opinion but for me as far as physics is
concerned they're not fighting the #2 behind GPL... F12000 beats GP3
a good deal in this area.

I've written this somewhere else aswell but to me the way the car
feels in GP3 is completly dead...same as in GP2.
GP2 ruled 4 years ago but it's obsolete...and since GP3 is basically
I agree on where you say in GP3 the cars stick to the track allmost to
well.....way to well is my feeling.
I've written this somewhere else aswell but to me the way the car
feels in GP3 is completly dead...same as in GP2.
Compared to GPL it's obvious cause those are cars where aerodynamics
don't play such a big role...but GP3's 'carfeel' is also completly
dead compared to F12000.

I wrote this in the other post:
I think the  canned spins are still there aswell as far as i can
tell(saw someone else's comment he thought they were gone) can catch the back when it starts sliding but the window is
*extremly* small.
Very unlike GPL and F12000 where you really can have a major back
brakeout of which the in-spin behaviour is influenced by what you do
with the throtlle and go 'owwww...i just catched it'
In GPL and to a lesser extend in F12k it's allmost an art to catch the GP3 it seems to be just a case of immediatly release the
throttle completly and you'll be fine....there seems to be no counter
responce of the car from doing that except the back twitching back
nicely to 'center' nice smooth slight back sliding powering out
of a corner

Before the argument gets brought up..yes..i know a F1 car is 'glued'
to the ground due to the aerodynamics.
However it's a mute argument to say the real F1 cars don't slide.
If you watch F1 races there's definatly sliding in there...very subtle
drifting...and i think if someone asked an F1 driver to go out there
and do some real sliding we'de see quite a show but since it does bad
things to the lap times so we don't see it much.
Back to the F12000 there is a lot of subtlety...if it's all
100% correct i don't know, but it does feel alive and it does feel
quite can do powerslides...nicely power out of a
corner with the back slightly braking can get one rear wheel
'stuck' on the edge of a curbe....etc..etc
As far as i can tell by driving a few hours(with all aids including
steeringhelp turned off), this is totally absent in GP3...

Oh well, there's GPL...and the hope N4 and WSC will be as good or

Greg Cisk

GP3 short take

by Greg Cisk » Sun, 23 Jul 2000 04:00:00

> > For those of you who think that this version
> >won't represent the final...well, I would beg to differ because even if
> >is beta Im sure the only things being worked out are a few bugs and minor
> >tweaks - not a complete makeover of a fully playable game.

> ... and you know this how, 'buttwad'?

Well I would believe it because I have been a beta tester
for other games. I know how these things go.

Greg Cisk

GP3 short take

by Greg Cisk » Sun, 23 Jul 2000 04:00:00

I am the one that asked you the tough question about whether
you used warez F1 2000 or not. Don't think I am pissed though.




GP3 short take

by Mrv » Sun, 23 Jul 2000 04:00:00

Well I am not sure who to believe.  I was chatting with a fellow who knows a few
of the guys from Class (  The Warez group that ripped the game)  and he was
telling me that this is the gold version of the game that is going on sale next
week.  I hope he is wrong but even so , how much of a difference will this
release be from the Retail.  Not much.  If it is 7 weeks old you can't just
change the entire engine of the game.  Anyway you have to give it a chance  for
awhile.  At first I was totally dissapointed but I am starting to enjoy it more
and more.  People are right,  it does remind me of Gp2.  It even has the same
animation when you are out of the race.  The guy pushes your vehicle from behind
and all of the sudden your car rises and goes to heaven.   Gee don't they believe
in Cranes?   Another thing I noticed is that if you are in a wet race and driving
at 300km and slam on the brakes the car stops and doesn't spin.  Not really sure
if real F1 cars can do this.  I doubt  that very much you would think that the
car would go into a *** spin.  Another thing I noticed is that,  going over
the kerbs is quite easy.  I never lose control of the car.  In other F1 games if
the car is not setup right  the car has problems going over them and you spin
out.  This game is not very difficult to master and it is quite easy driving
around all circuits.  Still hoping for a miracle for next week but I really doubt

> >> > For those of you who think that this version
> >> >won't represent the final...well, I would beg to differ because even if
> >it
> >> >is beta Im sure the only things being worked out are a few bugs and minor
> >> >tweaks - not a complete makeover of a fully playable game.

> >> ... and you know this how, 'buttwad'?

> >Well I would believe it because I have been a beta tester
> >for other games. I know how these things go.

> Greg, AFAIK, he doesn't know what build of GP3 is available as the
> warez version. Whether it's months, weeks, or days old versus the retail,
> could make a lot of difference in what the state of the code is.
> IMO, of course.

> And, who the hell are you anyway?

>  :)


GP3 short take

by Senninh » Mon, 24 Jul 2000 04:00:00

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 10:14:39 -0500, rrevved

>Greg, AFAIK, he doesn't know what build of GP3 is available as the
>warez version. Whether it's months, weeks, or days old versus the retail,
>could make a lot of difference in what the state of the code is.
>IMO, of course.

I read elsewhere that the credits state "V1.0" - is that true? If so
it sounds rather finished...



GP3 short take

by SKur » Wed, 26 Jul 2000 04:00:00

I've spun after gettin too heavy on the throttle while catching the curb at


> Well I am not sure who to believe.  I was chatting with a fellow who knows a few
> of the guys from Class (  The Warez group that ripped the game)  and he was
> telling me that this is the gold version of the game that is going on sale next
> week.  I hope he is wrong but even so , how much of a difference will this
> release be from the Retail.  Not much.  If it is 7 weeks old you can't just
> change the entire engine of the game.  Anyway you have to give it a chance  for
> awhile.  At first I was totally dissapointed but I am starting to enjoy it more
> and more.  People are right,  it does remind me of Gp2.  It even has the same
> animation when you are out of the race.  The guy pushes your vehicle from behind
> and all of the sudden your car rises and goes to heaven.   Gee don't they believe
> in Cranes?   Another thing I noticed is that if you are in a wet race and driving
> at 300km and slam on the brakes the car stops and doesn't spin.  Not really sure
> if real F1 cars can do this.  I doubt  that very much you would think that the
> car would go into a *** spin.  Another thing I noticed is that,  going over
> the kerbs is quite easy.  I never lose control of the car.  In other F1 games if
> the car is not setup right  the car has problems going over them and you spin
> out.  This game is not very difficult to master and it is quite easy driving
> around all circuits.  Still hoping for a miracle for next week but I really doubt
> it.

> > >> > For those of you who think that this version
> > >> >won't represent the final...well, I would beg to differ because even if
> > >it
> > >> >is beta Im sure the only things being worked out are a few bugs and minor
> > >> >tweaks - not a complete makeover of a fully playable game.

> > >> ... and you know this how, 'buttwad'?

> > >Well I would believe it because I have been a beta tester
> > >for other games. I know how these things go.

> > Greg, AFAIK, he doesn't know what build of GP3 is available as the
> > warez version. Whether it's months, weeks, or days old versus the retail,
> > could make a lot of difference in what the state of the code is.
> > IMO, of course.

> > And, who the hell are you anyway?

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