pedal/wheel combo. What exactly does the steering linearity do? It's in
the middle right now, should it be changed with this wheel. Also, do most
of you have a dead spot set, or should it be kept as low as possible?
J. Janasov
J. Janasov
NB. Linearity should not be confused with steering ratio, found in the
>J. Janasov
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
GPL hcp. +70.45
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
For all the good the manuals did, my dog might have WRITTEN the darn things...
8>) ... Anyways, the T2 wheel is acceptable ... barely. But get rid of those
lumpen pedals in favor of CH Products Pedals [not Pro Pedals] ... these are
switchable from single-axis [for flight sims & some simpler driving games] to
dual-axis [what you want for GPL, separate gas and brake] ... the Pro Pedals
are more expensive and more fragile.
Download and learn to use a program called CTFJ3 [center the f****** joystick]
... it's available from several of the Flight Sim Enthusiast websites ... with
CTFJ3 you can adjust the dead zone and the resolution of response for up to 6
axes ... MUCH better than the centering routines provided by Windows.
I find a dead zone of "zero" on the steering axis is a little too hard to drive
in a straight line ... Experiment!
Yr friend in the aether,
> J. Janasov