Papy workers read...

The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I'm still wondering how come Papy has not put a career mode in any of it's
sims. (I've heard VR has one, but I haven't played it)  Can any Papy workers
tell me why?

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.

Michael Barlo

Papy workers read...

by Michael Barlo » Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> I'm still wondering how come Papy has not put a career mode in any of it's
> sims. (I've heard VR has one, but I haven't played it)  Can any Papy workers
> tell me why?

> -The Dude?
> Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.

        You couldn't call it a Sim any more.  You would have to call it a Game.
Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?

Racing online with the help of......

Race Communications Association
Holodyne Engineering
Mystic Music
(have Your !!Name/Address!! placed here)

The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:00:00

First of all Ed, like I said, I was told VR had one, but I was also told that
since I don't have a 3d card, that I shouldn't even bother buying it...

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
Greg Moore, #99 forever.


Papy workers read...

by pqt2 » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Wouldn't you consider the championship seasons in many sims equivalent to the
career mode in sims like VR and SCGT?  The only real difference is you don't
earn money towards purchasing upgrades,  then again drivers of WC, Cart and F1
don't purchase upgrades in real life so why should a sim simulate something that
is not real?  Paul

> I'm still wondering how come Papy has not put a career mode in any of it's
> sims. (I've heard VR has one, but I haven't played it)  Can any Papy workers
> tell me why?

> -The Dude?
> Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.


Papy workers read...

by Mtb70 » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Papy didn't write Viper Racing, they bought it and it was distributed by
Steve Ferguso

Papy workers read...

by Steve Ferguso » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

: On 02 Nov 1999 22:18:40 GMT,

:>I'm still wondering how come Papy has not put a career mode in any of it's
:>sims. (I've heard VR has one, but I haven't played it)

: Viper has a career mode, but since you didn't bother to
: buy it, 'The Dude', I guess they gave up on the idea.

Oh c'mon.  Sounds like he has faithfully supported Papyrus products.  The
fact that he didn't buy a sim *produced by MGI* should not have a bearing
on whether or not *Papyrus* "gave up on the idea".  nice try at being
humourous, but it was spoiled by inaccuracy.

It's a valid point - why not a career mode?  Why not a "get yourself out
of this situation" mode like in Monaco Grand Prix.


Steve Ferguso

Papy workers read...

by Steve Ferguso » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

: Wouldn't you consider the championship seasons in many sims equivalent to the
: career mode in sims like VR and SCGT?  The only real difference is you don't
: earn money towards purchasing upgrades,  then again drivers of WC, Cart and F1
: don't purchase upgrades in real life so why should a sim simulate something that
: is not real?  Paul

I'm still waiting for the "great convergence" of sims and team management
software.  Maybe Microprose will do this with their ambitious FIA license.
It would be fun to drive for a team, but also manage the team.  The
driver's results determine sponsorship to some degree, if I wreck, then
it's more costs to bear, if the team can't develop the car properly, the
driver suffers.  Of course, at the end of the season I would probably want
to fire myself, as I never finish above top ten in GPL.


Steve Ferguso

Papy workers read...

by Steve Ferguso » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

: Papy didn't write Viper Racing, they bought it and it was distributed by
: Scierrya.
: JM

I don't think Papyrus is in the picture at all.  MGI is a company with
some ex Papyrus people, but I think it was a straight developer-publisher
deal between MGI and Sierra.


Sebastien Tixie

Papy workers read...

by Sebastien Tixie » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00


It seems, for me, that VPR physics model and GPL physics model look alike, with
differents car set ( weight, hp etc.. )

> : Papy didn't write Viper Racing, they bought it and it was distributed by
> : Scierrya.
> : JM

> I don't think Papyrus is in the picture at all.  MGI is a company with
> some ex Papyrus people, but I think it was a straight developer-publisher
> deal between MGI and Sierra.

> Stephen

Sebastien Tixier - Game Developer
The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I can play GP2 quite well in SVGA mode, I  can also play N3, ICR2, and NL.

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
Greg Moore, #99 forever.

The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

LOL...this is absolutely hilarious.  Well Ed, I bought ICR2 the day it came
out, I bought N2 a week after it came out, but held off because I couldn't play
it on my old 'puter, then after a new computer, and quite a bit of months, I
picked up GPL which didn't run fast, but was fun...then it was SODA off of
Ebay, and of course there was NR99 after that, N3 about a month ago, and NL on
Saturday.  So Ed, why don't you ask a question instead of assuming.  Whenever
Papy/Sierra puts out a racing sim I WANT, I'll buy it, but because I didn't
pick up VPR means nothing.  I'm quite happy with SCGT.  A troll?  No...I'm
actually a very loyal Papy customer. (SCGT is the only non-papy racing sim I
own)  So Ed, why don't you get off this high horse your on...I asked a simple,
good question.  Hell, Nascar Manager was supposed to have everything I wanted,
but that was shelved about a year ago.  It's a valid question...

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
Greg Moore, #99 forever.

The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I forgot, I have GP2.  That's two non-Papy sims.

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
Greg Moore, #99 forever.

Steve Ferguso

Papy workers read...

by Steve Ferguso » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

: On 3 Nov 1999 07:48:39 GMT,

:>: On 02 Nov 1999 22:18:40 GMT,

:>:>I'm still wondering how come Papy has not put a career mode in any of it's
:>:>sims. (I've heard VR has one, but I haven't played it)
:>: Viper has a career mode, but since you didn't bother to
:>: buy it, 'The Dude', I guess they gave up on the idea.
:>Oh c'mon.  Sounds like he has faithfully supported Papyrus products.  

: If he has 'supported Papyrus products', he said he has done it
: without a 3D card. I wonder how they perform for him? LOL!

: Face it, this guy is a wannabe troll and it didn't work. Except on you.

Well, I thought the original question was valid, and certainly not a
troll.  I also run most of the Papyrus sims (pre GPL) on my old P166
notebook when I travel, and the performance is fine (everyone has their
own requirements - I just can half the textures to get 25-30fps, it's nice
enough for when I'm on the road).

By the way, Ed, looks like I fell out of your killfile :)

Should I remind you:

I made the mistake of assuming you were responding to someone who was in
your big bad killfile.  You responded (ever so eloquently) that once
someone goes into your killfile, they *stay* there, they *never* come out,
and by god they are buried. For my small indiscretion, I received a
frighteningly loud *plonk*, which is rather a shame, as I often enjoy your
comments on topics that we both discuss in this forum.  It's a shame you
missed my response:


:>Maybe someone can explain this whole "plonk" thing to me again, but I
:>assumed it was the sound of a newbie dropping into a kill file.  
: See you haven't any idea what a killfile or a plonk is. It has
: NADA to do with being a newbie.

Well, I would argue that the majority of offensive posts which lead to the
implementation of a killfile come from USENET newbies, but that's beside
the point.  The point being, in this case, that I made a mistake here.
You're right, you have integrity in your use of the killfile.  An honest
mistake on my part in sifting through the thread.  Allow me to humbly
apologize and retract my statement.

: Otherwise, shut the f**k up.

Thank you for your restraint.



Nevertheless, here I am again.  Back in the file for me?  On the one hand,
logic dictates that you must, to save face and maintain the integrity of
your sacred killfile.  On the other hand, it would be a shame to kill some
good discussion over one extremely light-hearted comment (surely you're
not that thin skinned) which was retracted.



Papy workers read...

by Kaydma » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

  Like he said Ed ....why no career mode in PAPY sims????

  PAPY did NOT make VR.

  Doug Straley


Papy workers read...

by pqt2 » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

So you purchased just about every sim that has come out in the last few
years but VR and the reason you did not buy it was you did not have a 3D
card????  Now that makes a lot of sense.  Paul

> > (SCGT is the only non-papy racing sim I
> >own)

> I forgot, I have GP2.  That's two non-Papy sims.

> -The Dude?
> Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
> Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.
> Greg Moore, #99 forever. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.