Papy workers read...


Papy workers read...

by Supama » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

It looks like he just wanted to know why they didn't put career mode in
their games.  If there was a specific reason then I would like to know also.
Back off a bit.


> On 3 Nov 1999 07:48:39 GMT,

> >: On 02 Nov 1999 22:18:40 GMT,

> >:>I'm still wondering how come Papy has not put a career mode in any of
> >:>sims. (I've heard VR has one, but I haven't played it)

> >: Viper has a career mode, but since you didn't bother to
> >: buy it, 'The Dude', I guess they gave up on the idea.

> >Oh c'mon.  Sounds like he has faithfully supported Papyrus products.

> If he has 'supported Papyrus products', he said he has done it
> without a 3D card. I wonder how they perform for him? LOL!

> Face it, this guy is a wannabe troll and it didn't work. Except on you.

> --
> * rrevved at mindspring dot com
> *


Papy workers read...

by Supama » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Why does it not make sense?  All the games he mentioned seem to run quite
fine without a 3d card.  Who cares what games people buy?  I bought F1RS and
shelved it a day later.  I bought Viper, shelved it, then came back to it.
I bought Half-Life, shelved it.  So if I buy a game, does that make me good?
I didn't buy Nascar 3 or NL.  Does that make me a bad person?  Just because
someone decides not to buy a game, whatever the reasons, why does it matter?
The guy asked a question about why Papy sims don't have a career mode and he
gets flamed for it...He said he plays SCGT, that has career mode so he could
have a similar experience with that as he could have with Viper.

And The Dude...I don't know why Papy didn't put in a career mode but it
seems like a lot of people like to just buy a game and race the best cars on
any track they want and jump right in instead of having to be limited by a
career mode so I bet they left it out because it wasn't worth the effort.


> So you purchased just about every sim that has come out in the last few
> years but VR and the reason you did not buy it was you did not have a 3D
> card????  Now that makes a lot of sense.  Paul

> > > (SCGT is the only non-papy racing sim I
> > >own)

> > I forgot, I have GP2.  That's two non-Papy sims.

> > -The Dude?
> > Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
> > Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.
> > Greg Moore, #99 forever.

david kar

Papy workers read...

by david kar » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

hear hear!

plonking myself, now . . .


(!  K N O L P)

> Nevertheless, here I am again.  Back in the file for me?  On the one hand,
> logic dictates that you must, to save face and maintain the integrity of
> your sacred killfile.  On the other hand, it would be a shame to kill some
> good discussion over one extremely light-hearted comment (surely you're
> not that thin skinned) which was retracted.

> Stephen

david kar

Papy workers read...

by david kar » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

What would be interesting would be a package that allowed for the creation
of internet-based, true teams, a package that, while restricting car
development to preset parameters (a la the, well, flexible FIA), would allow
interent-based teams to compete, test, develop over virtual seasons.

A marketing nightmare, I suppose, but an interesting concept.


> I'm still waiting for the "great convergence" of sims and team management
> software.  Maybe Microprose will do this with their ambitious FIA license.
> It would be fun to drive for a team, but also manage the team.  The
> driver's results determine sponsorship to some degree, if I wreck, then
> it's more costs to bear, if the team can't develop the car properly, the
> driver suffers.  Of course, at the end of the season I would probably want
> to fire myself, as I never finish above top ten in GPL.

> Stephen


Papy workers read...

by Supama » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00


> On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 16:22:52 -0500,

> >Back off a bit.

> No, 'Supaman'.

> --
> * rrevved at mindspring dot com
> *

The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I just wasn't interested in VPR.  I'm sorry, I didn't know I'd get crucified
for it, or I would have popped the $50.  

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
Greg Moore, #99 forever.


Papy workers read...

by pqt2 » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

$50!!!!!The game was $19.95 when it came out.  Go buy it now you can pick it up
for $9.95 in some stores.  I sure as hell was not crucifying for not buying it,
just couldn't understand your logic about not buying it because you had no 3D

> >So you purchased just about every sim that has come out in the last few
> >years but VR and the reason you did not buy it was you did not have a 3D
> >card????  Now that makes a lot of sense.

> I just wasn't interested in VPR.  I'm sorry, I didn't know I'd get crucified
> for it, or I would have popped the $50.

> -The Dude?
> Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
> Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.
> Greg Moore, #99 forever.

Steve Ferguso

Papy workers read...

by Steve Ferguso » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

: What would be interesting would be a package that allowed for the creation
: of internet-based, true teams, a package that, while restricting car
: development to preset parameters (a la the, well, flexible FIA), would allow
: interent-based teams to compete, test, develop over virtual seasons.

: A marketing nightmare, I suppose, but an interesting concept.

Would it also come with a FIA tribunal?

:> I'm still waiting for the "great convergence" of sims and team management
:> software.  Maybe Microprose will do this with their ambitious FIA license.
:> It would be fun to drive for a team, but also manage the team.  The
:> driver's results determine sponsorship to some degree, if I wreck, then
:> it's more costs to bear, if the team can't develop the car properly, the
:> driver suffers.  Of course, at the end of the season I would probably want
:> to fire myself, as I never finish above top ten in GPL.
:> Stephen

The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

As I posted in a previous post on this thread, it didn't really interest me
either.  I'm not going to buy a game strickly for the career mode.  If
Papy/Sierra would apply it to a sim I want to buy, I'd be in heaven.

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
Greg Moore, #99 forever.

Peter Ive

Papy workers read...

by Peter Ive » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00


Well my view of a career mode would be one where you start out being
hired by one of the lesser teams with a contract of x years and then,
depending upon your performances during the season - including how many
times you wreck their cars - then maybe they'll stick with you, or one
of the other, better teams will become interested and want to take you
on.  Nothing to do with earning money and buying upgrades.

>> I'm still wondering how come Papy has not put a career mode in any of it's
>> sims. (I've heard VR has one, but I haven't played it)  Can any Papy workers
>> tell me why?

>> -The Dude?
>> Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.

Peter Ives
david kar

Papy workers read...

by david kar » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Ha!  Yes, but you could enter a cheat code (a la SCGT) to get a few million
to toss their way . . .

and a virtual Beanie Bernie !


> : What would be interesting would be a package that allowed for the
> : of internet-based, true teams, a package that, while restricting car
> : development to preset parameters (a la the, well, flexible FIA), would
> : interent-based teams to compete, test, develop over virtual seasons.

> : A marketing nightmare, I suppose, but an interesting concept.

> Would it also come with a FIA tribunal?
> Stephen

The Du

Papy workers read...

by The Du » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I agree.  A bit like the F1 career utility that came out earlier this year.

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
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