I have about a 10 month old Dell 300 P2 package ( w/64 MB SDRAM and a 4 MB
STB nVidia AGP card. I want to boost N2 video performance ( & remain
compatible with the future N99 and N3 releases). I will be adding another
64 MB memory soon....my dilemma is how to go video card wise.
(1) Can I keep the current AGP card and add a 3DFX or rendition to a vacant
PCI slot?
Does this make sense to do, and if so, which card would be best for
(2) If #1 is possible, will there be conflicts between the 2 different
type of video cards?
Will the machine, under Windows 95 automatically switch back and
forth between
the two cards without conflict?
(3) Would I be better off trashing the current 4 MB AGP card and going with
a bigger
AGP card?
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bottom line is, short of a little word processing, N2 ( and soon N2
racing on TEN)
is the only application I am concerned about.