> I know that in a lot of games, the 3D Fx is much faster than a lot of
> other video card such as STB Velocity 128 or Matrox M2. But actually,
> what are the actual results of these card when not playing games, ETC
> winbench, i have seen that the velocity beat most card in winbench but
> it is not really fast in games. Also, some games might be faster than
> others for different cards. So, Does anybody have the real real fair
> results for there 3D cards????
Well Philip, what's the use of the benchmarks anyway?
I mean, who cares if the card is the fastest in a particular benchmark
What REALLY matters is how fast it is in a particular game... a game
that YOU like. In many games, 3dfx is very fast and has excellent
graphic quality. Not to mention, they are cheaper now ... about US$150
for a decent 4mb 3dfx board and US$175 for a 6mb one ...
There are only a few popular games that won't run on a 3dfx ... Nascar 2
and ICR 2 ... but the Nascar 2 patch is coming ...