I'm guessing you are saying the 'shuddering' is caused by the ff latency
setting, so that should be the only value you'll need to change if you
were happy with the force strength & damping settings from your old
I used to use a latency of 0.062 with my old Wingman Force, the joystick
equivalent of the LWFF wheel (same electronics, different shell). With
my current 'red' Momo I use 0.016.
Try starting at 0.06 with an older wheel, then try 0.05 & 0.07 to feel
the difference, it should give you a better idea of what you need the
setting to be & you can then fine tune it yourself if you have the
patience ;-) With a newer wheel start at 0.02 & go from there. If
neither works for you start at zero & increase by 0.01 until you get in
the ballpark.
Bear in mind that you are dealing in hundredths & thousandths of a
second latency, you'll barely notice a change of less than 5 thousandths
of a second, but over time it'll feel 'okay but slightly out', so when
you are tuning it to that fine a degree give it a few hours worth of
testing at each setting to see if it really is okay. It took me about a
week to set up my joystick (several years ago now), when I got the Momo
it took me about 3 days before I was really happy with it.