There's quite a bit more than just a few. From the number of posts it has,
and continues to get, it's the most popular sim at the HG forums by a wide
margin. After the patch, it will likely be even more popular. What's
happened here at r.a.s. is that some of the GPL clan tried F1RC for a bit,
couldn't excel, and quickly ran back to their sim which they have invested
1,000+ hours. They are good at that now, and don't want to move on.
People like Istoff say they race both and he doesn't have much trouble with
the AI either.
The whiners (every where in life) tend to make a lot more noise than those
who are satisfied. The ones who whine the most at HG always seem to throw in
a comment at the end of their post which exposes them as GPL, F12K, or GP3
zealots. Probably learned their craft here at r.a.s.
"More likely, something else"
Cute, backhanded insults directed at me and Iain.
David G Fisher
> DGF,
> Actually, my experience there at High Gear, which I visit a couple of
> daily, would tend to support Frank. Sure, there are a few people who
> to have made it past the AI snafu (but even there, threads they start are
> full of rejoinders that even with their modifications, the problems
> but by-and-large that forum's position on the Ubisoft AI is about the same
> as what dominates here at RAS.
> Considering that it's a dedicated forum, I'd say that ought to tell you
> something.
> So yes, there are people there who agree with you both, but you still seem
> to be rather in the minority. That either makes you sim-gods who deftly
> around the AI, or, more likely, something else . . .
> Which is a shame, because if a bit more constructive criticism were aimed
> Ubisoft, even from minions and toadies, they might, might, m i g h t,
> actually design, code and release a ***y patch.
> F1RC is a good game, I play it a lot. It's a great base for a great sim,
> but it's not there yet.
> Notice: nothing in what I've written would constitute a "trashing" of
> F1RC--not by a long shot. I drive GPL, I drive F1RC. I don't have to
> one to enjoy the other. I am sorry for those that do.
> --David K
> > No Noddy.
> > GO TO ANOTHER SIM FORUM LIKE HIGH GEAR, and you'll see others who agree
> with
> > Ian and myself.
> > This forum is not the "ultimate" collection of sim knowledge. In fact,
> it's
> > pretty average, predictable, and definitely bias. It's where the 100 GPL
> > regulars who race at VROC come to hold their daily GPL meeting, and
> > other sims so they feel better about their 1,000+ hour investment in the
> > same sim.
> > If you want technical info and news, it's fine. When you ask for
> is
> > when it goes in the toilet.
> > Watch the AI race, check their lap times, and then practice until you
> > match them or at least come close. Then there's few problems, which is
> > it should be if you want realism. I practice a certain track until I can
> do
> > the above and then when it comes to racing the AI, I slot in nicely at
> > first turn, and continue lap after lap until 9 times out of ten, I***
> up.
> > Not the AI.
> > Yes, it could be better and we'll see in the patch. The main thing
> > correction is the AI need to do a much better job at avoiding another
> > that has spun or broken down on the track.
> > If you like multiplayer, F1 Relay is going to be released any time now,
> and
> > testers are racing 8 with great results. Not 22, but if I tried 100
> > with 21 or even 15 opponents, 99 of those races would be a waste of time
> > with a modern F1 sim. It's too hard for people to consistently be as
> > and precise as you need to be in order to have a clean race with a full
> > field of modern F1 cars.
> > David G Fisher
> > > On Sat, 14 Jul 2001 09:42:03 +0100, "Iain Mackenzie"
> > > >As has been offered many times on this group, just ask and myself (or
> > > >others)
> > > The only other is DGF. *Everyone*, including those who like F1RC,
> > > agree that the AI in FIRC is crap.