I would like to change my car number on the car and in the pits. How do I
go about doing this????
I would like to change my car number on the car and in the pits. How do I
go about doing this????
The number on the pit board is actually the roof of your car, so just
go into the detail shop and make the changes on your car.
The IWCCCARS Project: Q & A Representative
Hey!! Mine leaks...how do I change my roof? ;)
Didn't you guys know...? The 1997 NASCAR rules for 1997 state that
sunroofs are optional this year. They WILL be required in 1998. This
is a transition year.
<REALLY big grin> ;-)
On a related subject, has anyone figured out how to run the N2
PAINTKIT outside of Nascar2??? It seems too painful to make
something in PSP and go thru the hassle of runing N2 to see
how well everything worked. So just running the Paintkit would
seem like a better option.