> "Don Burnette" wrote...
>> Ok, been running F12002 today with my Momo. I love
>> the Momo, but am not sure I am understanding what
>> I should be feeling it it. In the controller
>> properties in windows, I have the following:
>> Overall Effects: 115%
>> Spring Effect Strength: 90%
>> Damper Effect Stregth: 50%
>> Centering Spring: Enabled
>> Centering Spring Stregth: 70%
>> In the F12002 game:
>> Stregth: -90%
>> Effets: Medium
>> If I set the effects any higher, I get a lot of grinding
>> when the wheel is centered while driving F1002, is this
>> normal? I feel the bumps and such, but oftentimes I see
>> folks talk of how they can feel the car getting loose,
>> etc from the FF effects. I do not seem to be able to
>> recognize this, in F12002 or in N2002.
>> I am not sure of my other in game settings, but I believe
>> I have throttle at 50%, brake at 20%, speed sensitivy at 0%.
>> Any tips on FF would be greatly appreciated. I love the Momo
>> and want to get it tweaked to give me the most realism I can.
> For F1 2002 and NASCAR2002 you need only adjust the Overall slider to
> set the desired strength. I usually leave it at 100% in the MOMO
> properties and vary strenght in the game. Even then -90% and full
> effects in F1 2002 is a little over the top for my taste. The other
> sliders in the wheel's control panel can be set to zero for these
> games (but are sometimes used in other games).
> The biggie is Centering spring, which should be _off_. If, in a
> stationary car, you turn the wheel it shouldn't return to center on
> it's own. The grinding noise you hear in N2002 is the wheel fighting
> against itself as it tries, against the centering spring, to return
> to it's natural position for going in a straight line. Which in turn,
> due to (among other factors) camber and castor split in the setup, is
> slightly***ed to the right.
> Axis sensitivity in F1 2002 works like this: 50% is linear, lower
> makes the control less sensitive around it's neutral position, higher
> makes it "oversensitive".
> HTH,
Good info, thanks Jan. For some reason I thought we should use the centering
spring in F12002, but not in N2002. I will try it with it off and play with
those sliders some.