server, and no matchmaking service. The manual even indicates (pg. 41)
that an internet user with an analog modem cannot expect to host more
than two clients. If it was possible to bring GPL up to its current
level of playability with patches and user add-ons, why wouldn't it be
possible to achieve the same thing with F1 2002? If we could persuade
EA/ISI to release a dedicated server for F1 2002 that alone would cure
most of the problems people are having. And as for Gamespy, I'm not
sure which version (3D or Arcade) is included with the game but both are
upgradable to registered versions with more features. Maybe I'm missing
something, after all I don't have the game yet, but it sure seems to me
from what I have heard so far that F1 2002 multiplayer is doable if we
can just get the right pieces put together and get some dedicated
servers going.
terms of
> other races not being here, I assume that's because they have
ng's/forums in
> their native lands too.
> I don't know; everytime some developer cops out on multi with the
> doesn't matter" excuse, I try to think of another four year old F1 sim
> has the popularity of GPL, i.e.
> I'd be very surprised if it would still have the following it does,
if it
> wasn't for it's online aspect. Same with the Nascar sims.
> Compare to F12001, Heat, etc..........already ditched/being
> But sales are the reality, and you're right below.
> John
> > I respectfully disagree. :-) Wish I didn't though.
> > From everything I've read, online multiplayer still isn't a priority
> > many people in auto sims (and many other games), at least not near
what I
> > hoped it would be.
> > All these F1 sims come out and continue to sell really well with
little or
> > no online multiplayer. GP4 still won't have it apparently. The
> > NASCAR games really only sell in the U.S. The rest of the world
> buy
> > them even with their great multiplay.
> > Also, whenever I go to the main lobby online in N2002, there is
usually no
> > more than 125 people there. :-)
> > I think we get a skewed view of what the public wants in this
> F1
> > appeals to a HUGE asian market, and also South America. How many
> names
> > do you ever see on this newsgroup? Chinese (1 billion people)?
> > India (1 billion people)? Malaysia? etc. Not too many South
> > either. There isn't even many French or Italian names who post here.
> > Also, don't forget how many F1 console titles and other console
> > titles that are sold without any online capability.
> > David G Fisher
> > > > From the F1gamers fourm:
> > > > OTOH, you wonder just what % of buyers actually play online.
> less
> > > > than a quarter. Maybe it's not worth the effort and expense from
> > > > developper's POV. They know their target audience.
> > > When Heat came out with it's pitiful online, this was another
> > > excuse......(paraphrasing) "Online isn't a large enough market to
> > > with, online playing doesn't
> > matter".............hmmm...............starting
> > > with Heat's first competition, N3, guess which company's games are
> > > played, still, with by far, the larger amount of players, and
guess why
> ?
> > > Hint: it's not Heat, and it's not only offline Papy players :)
> > > It's the year 2002. Online is CRUCIAL for ANY game of any
genre. Get
> > > with the program FIA.
> > > John