> I know, this thing doesn't have your fancy pants force feedback, but it does
> sort of look spiffy, doesn't it? Has anyone tried this, and how did you like
> it, considering what market it's shooting for right now? Obviously not a
> full blown sim-wheel, but would it be a cheap yet acceptable alternative for
> a casual sim racer like myself?
> I'd also like to hear what you think is THE best wheel out right now, FF or
> not, it doesn't matter.
> Thanks.
I've been using an ACT Labs RS wheel for several months now, and it's
great! I think it's equal to or better than the Thrustmaster wheels
I've owned or tried - and costs quited a bit less. Especially for
someone like you, who describes yourself as "a casual sim racer", it
can't be beat.
Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports