Spring Shootout on May 22 and May 23, 1999.
NASCAR2 racers with access to TEN can register for the race at
NASCAR2 racers with access to TEN can register for the race at
In the software that comes with the wheel you can select predefined 'profiles'
for some popular games or create some of your own assigning whatever keyboard
presses you like to any of the buttons. Assign a couple keyboard letters to the
back paddles (I use Q and Z) and save the profile as SCGT.
When you start SCGT, go to the controls congif area and click on the upshift
thing. It asks you for a keyboard command, enter the letter you assigned to the
right paddle. When is asks for a controller input, press one of the buttons you
dont use. Ditto for the downshift.
During the game, just use the paddles and it will read them as keyboard inputs.
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