Hello all-
I've got a Sidewinder 3D pro joystick and just purchased a Thrustmaster GP1
wheel (which is a standard analog 4 button 2 axis device). Up to now, I've just
been using the gameport on my SB AWE32 PnP as the interface and the devices work
just fine individually like that. But now it's a major pain to swap the cables
and reboot all the time. Also, the GP1 needs to be configured as joystick 1 in
win95 for windows games (the sidewinder works whether defined as joy1 or joy2),
and when I swap it for the Sidewinder, win95 wipes out the GP1 config (since it
isn't detected, I guess). Then when I go back to the GP1, I have to define it
as joystick 1 in control panel again. Why does Win95 lose that configuration
when the GP1 is not present? Irritating.
How do I get around this? I think it would be ideal if I could have the GP1 as
joy1 and the Sidewinder as joy2 configured at the same time (even though I won't
use them together, this should solve the lost GP1 config problem) but I don't
know. Can this be accomplished? TM told me that a joyswitch would still cause
the GP1 to lose it's config when I switch to the sidewinder. They didn't say
anything about getting a dedicated game card (which I know nothing about). I
wonder why.
I searched my ass off in dejanews but didn't find any good articles describing
Wheel+stick setups. Any experience out there with a similar setup? I'm open to
all suggestions, including gamecards, joyswitches, y-cables, praying, sacrifice,
(Please reply to both news and email if possible. My ISP's newsfeed sucks and
I'll miss half the replies to this NG).
The Scripps Research Institute