Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I released F1Ed for Windows, and
no one has complained yet (in fact, although loads of people have visited
the home page, I've had no feed back at all ... should this worry me?).
Anyway, since the LFRS entry date passed ages ago (unless I'm mistaken,
in which case correct me) and because a friend and I really want to enter
a championship, I'm considering starting my own.
If it goes ahead, it will be based on six races (Imola, Silverstone,
Spa, Monza, Suzuka and Adelaide). The process of entering and posting
your lap times and race results (done using email) will be totally
automated at my end, hopefully reducing the chance of any Steve
introduced errors :-)
As I said, it's only an idea at the moment, and it may not ever go ahead
(especially if Microprose get round to releasing GP II soon).
But, if you are interested, I've added a new section to the F1Ed for
Windows home page describing the very simple set of rules. Check it
out and let me know what you think:
or to be more exact (and bypass the index page):