: This has probably been asked before, but I just bought the game last night. I
: can get the wheel configured easily but the pedals aways get an error. The
: configuring ball startes out in the middle of the window, then the game asks
: me to move it to the left extent - the brake moves it left, but the gas moves
: it nowhere.
: My T2 is still working fine with Nascar and IndyCar 2.
From the main menu of Grand Prix 2:
1) Select "Control Method."
2) Select "Not Used."
3) Select "Advanced Menu."
4) Select "Joystick A Horiz" for Steering Device.
5) Select "Analog" for Steering Mode.
6) Select "Joystick B Horiz" for Acceleration Device.
7) Select "Analog" for Acceleration Mode.
8) Select "Joystick B Horiz" for Brake Device.
9) Select "Analog" for Braking Mode.
10) Select "Control Driven Calibration" for Control Method.
Do not touch any other settings. You can edit the set name to say "T2"
or "TMaster" and then save the file.
Now calibrate the device, and your T2 should work.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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