there are 2 or more drivers per car. Each driver is required to drive for a
certain length of time. In SCGT (the game), you do have the option to pit
and let the AI Co-Driver take over. But this is done with a 30 second
penalty - not very good when you are not very far ahead of the other
drivers - and so far I have yet to see driver changes in the AI controlled
cars, so this would be a major disadvantage. Is there a setting, as in the
time limit of the race, that you need to set for this to happen? Or is there
no setup at all to force the AI cars to also do a 30 second driver change?
Now in a 30-40 minute race this might not seem as much to you all. But IF I
wanted to do a real Enduro - say a few hours, then this would be needed as
well as being realistic.
Mike Z
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